Central Sulawesi Regional Police Bongkar TPPU From The Narcotics Circulation At Palu Prison, A Total Of IDR 9.3 Billion

JAKARTA - The Central Sulawesi Police succeeded in uncovering a network of money laundering crimes (TPPU) from the circulation of methamphetamine-type narcotics at the Palu Penitentiary (Lapas) and confiscated assets from the suspect worth Rp9.3 billion. "There were three suspects who were arrested because they were involved in this case from drug trafficking, and the three suspects were IL, SK and KAS who still had close family ties," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Police Kombes Pol. Didik Supranoto during a press conference related to the TPPU case in Palu city, Monday 30 January. He stated that from this case the police managed to confiscate evidence in the form of two housing units, three plots of land, one shop (ruko), six units of four-wheeled vehicles and 24 two-wheeled vehicles with total assets worth Rp9.3 billion. He explained that the three had their respective roles in which the IL suspect was responsible for controlling drugs from Lapas, while the SK was tasked with making accounts on behalf of other people and then used to accommodate money from the proceeds of buying and selling drugs. "KAS plays a role in hiding immovable assets which is the result of buying and selling drugs," he explained. Director of Drug Investigation of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Komebs Pol. Adi Purboyo added that the TPPU network and narcotics trafficking had begun to be known since 2017 and carried out an investigation by the police, so it was revealed in the middle of 2022. "The initial investigation was detected of approximately Rp42 billion and the money was used in and the money was successfully secured was Rp9.3 billion," he said. From that crime, the suspect was charged with Articles 3 and 4 of Law 8 of 2010 concerning TPPU with a maximum prison threat of 20 years and a fine of Rp10 billion. The case is already P21, just handing over suspects and evidence. This investigation has been considered complete by the prosecutor and there is no error," Adi said.