Considered Merekah, 6 Sawer Artists He Was Secured By The Satpol PP Of Agam Regency, West Sulawesi

LUBUKBASUNG - The Civil Service Police Unit and Fire Department (Satpol PP Damkar) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra (Sulbar) secured six sawer artists as a form of enforcement of Regional Regulations (Perda) to maintain public order because it was troubling.Head of Public Order and Public Order of Satpol PP Damkar Agam Yul Amar in Lubukbasung, Sunday, said the six artists were secured while entertaining wedding parties in Pinang Village, Lubukbasung District, Saturday 28 nights. According to him, the six sawer artists are the initials AR (16) residents of Padang Pariaman, VDF (17) residents of Padang Pariaman, PP (22) residents of Padang Pariaman, R (34) residents of Padang Pariaman and YH (40) residents of North Sumatra Medan. "AR and VDF are minors. We bring the six sawer artists to the headquarters of Satpol PP Damkar Agam for further processing," he said. He said. The six sawer artists are still being processed by Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS). After that, the training was carried out so as not to activate them as sawer artists and they were handed over to the family after making a statement letter on stamps on stamprai. "They we submitted them after making a statement letter signed on stamprai 10,000," he said. He said.

In the future, the Agam Satpol PP officers will always try to improve public order and public peace. "We always carry out surveillance in places prone to violations of regional regulations and carry out regular city patrols for 24 hours," he said.