There Are 13 COVID-19 Patients In Bangka Belitung, 13 People Left

JAKARTA - The Bangka Belitung Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force stated that 13 active COVID-19 patients were still undergoing quarantine on Sunday or an increase of one person compared to the previous day as many as 12 people.

"Today, the addition of one COVID-19 case in South Bangka, while in other regencies/cities is nil," said Secretary of the Bangka Belitung Province COVID-19 Task Force (Babel) Mikron Antariksa quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 29.

He said as many as 13 active COVID-19 patients who were still undergoing quarantine were seven people in Pangkalpinang City, three people in South Bangka, two people in Central Bangka, and one person in Bangka Barat, Belitung, and East Belitung without COVID-19 patients.

"Today, none of the patients recovered and died from COVID-19," he said.

According to him, in preventing the transmission and spread of the corona virus, the COVID-19 Task Force together with local governments continue to socialize the process to the public, so that they remain vigilant while continuing to take independent precautions.

"We continue to improve services to COVID-19 patients, in order to increase the recovery rate to realize the COVID-19 green zone Babel," he said.

Acting Governor of the Bangka Belitung Islands Ridwan Djamaluddin said that even though the PPKM had been revoked, the public was asked to continue to carry out health protocols.

"Keep maintaining the prokes, because whatever it is, it has become part of people's daily lives to always be aware of this corona virus. Do not let there be another spike in cases, because they do not implement this process," he said.