Sri Mulyani Emphasized The Position Of The World Business Support Government

BEKASI - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani together with a number of echelon I officials from the Ministry of Finance made a working visit to the Cikarang industrial area, West Java, Friday, January 27.

On that occasion, Sri Mulyani held a dialogue with business actors and conveyed the government's attitude which continues to be committed to supporting productive activities in the country.

According to him, collaboration between the government and the private sector can realize economic improvement, even in the most difficult times such as a pandemic.

"Indonesia has managed the pandemic very well. This is certainly an extraordinary performance. However, in the recovery process we also see new challenges. In 2023, challenges have shifted from health risk to financial and geopolitical risks," said Sri Mulyani.

The Minister of Finance explained that to be able to overcome this condition, the government is ready to support it through several strategic policies.

"Among them are providing facilities and incentives in the customs sector, in the form of binding regional facilities (KB) and easy imports of export destinations (KITE)," he said.

In addition to holding a dialogue, the state treasurer also had the opportunity to visit Cikarang Dry Port (CDP) to see the business processes and activities of temporary stockpiles (TPS).

"We are committed to continuing to work together in serving the business world to be more competitive and productive by implementing policies that support the business world. Implementing better policies and procedures is also the President's commitment to make Indonesia an investment destination, so that we not only invest in domestic but also for exports," concluded Sri Mulyani.