Committee For Elections Tosk And Extortion, People Asked To Report Police
BENGKULU - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bengkulu Province asked the public to complain if there were findings of members of the general election committee (Pemilu) who committed fraud and made illegal levies (extortion)
Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Bengkulu Province Irwan Saputra asked the public to report its members to the police if there was extortion in the selection stage for members of the sub-district election committee (PPK) and the voting committee (PPS).
"If the public or prospective members of PPK or PPS find the practice of extortion of police reporting because it is a criminal act," said Irwan to ANTARA, Friday, January 27. In addition, he said, if the public or prospective members of PPS and PPK find fraud in recruiting members to report the matter to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Bengkulu. This was done so that KPU members who are suspected of violating the rules can be followed up and sanctioned according to applicable regulations, he said. Such reporting, explained Irwan, must include strong evidence so that the allegations are based and can be followed up. So that the selection must be really considered," he said. Irwan explained that the KPU in the regions has its own parameters in passing PPS candidate members because at the selection stage, the "computer assisted test" parameter (CAT) and interviews must be appropriate. "There is a criterion that one can pass written selection. Through the CAT system, the constraint on which level is used. Then the interview stage has its own parameters," he said. He acknowledged that many PPS and PPS test participants in the regions who did not pass selection but had high CAT values. This must reflect on the parameters written at the interview stage. He said that at that stage the KPU in the regions has a separate assessment in determining the character of candidates to make it a credible PPS member. As is known, one participant recruiting PPS members in Central Bengkulu Regency admitted that he was asked for a sum of money by the organizers in the PPS recruitment.
In addition, another participant, Ramida said that she was compiling a complaint report to be submitted to the Bengkulu Province Bawaslu and the Election Implementation Honorary Council (DKPP). "This complaint is related to violations of the code of ethics committed by the organizers in the recruitment of PPS. I hope that all those who make complaints can find a bright spot and hope that the media crew can take part in finding the truth," he said.