Synopsis Of Kiko In The Deep Sea Films, Invite Children To Take Care Of Marine Hygiene

JAKARTA - The animated film Kiko in the Deep Sea is ready to air on February 23, 2023 in Indonesian cinemas. The film produced by MNC Animation and MNC Pictures tells the story of Kiko's journey and his friends while carrying out an exciting and entertaining rescue mission.

Kiko, Tingting, Poli, Patino, Lola and Karkus and Pupus went to investigate and investigate the damage to the ecosystem that was happening in an Asri city in the sea. On the way, they met with Princess Clara from Shell Castle who was looking for the five missing water protection pearls. In fact, without the pearls, the water life will be destroyed.

Kiko and his friends also helped find all the pearls for the safety of the sea. On their way, they passed many obstacles and faced various pearlkeeper monsters.

The story raised in the film Kiko In the Deep Sea carries a very important mission and invites the audience to maintain the cleanliness of nature around the sea, especially the sea. Considering that marine cleanliness has a big impact on human life that is obliged to be preserved so that it needs to be instilled from an early age.

"Telling about the solid friendship between Kiko and his friends, this film is also full of moral messages to preserve nature and the cleanliness of the sea in an exciting and fun way," said MNC Animation President Director Liliana Tanaja Tanoesoedibjo.

Not only played by early serial characters, several new players from among artists also showed their talents in filling in the films Kiko in the Deep Sea such as Arbani Yasiz, Felicya Angelista and Robby Purba. The soundtrack for the film was created by Liliana Tanaja Tanoesoedibjo which was sung epicly by the little singer Romaria.