How To Overcome A Hang Laptop Not Moving Without Service

YOGYAKARTA You don't need to panic when a laptop suddenly hangs up. This condition can be overcome in various ways. Therefore, know how to deal with a sudden mobile laptop hang.

As is known, hanging on a laptop is a state when the system is unable to respond or process certain commands requested by the user. This condition is caused by many things. To find out how to solve the hang problem on a laptop, it is better to first identify the cause.

The causes of laptops hanging can vary. Often these factors come from laptops themselves. Some of the causes of laptop freeze are as follows.

The cause of frequent laptops running hang or freeze is the pile of orders desired by users. This condition may usually occur under some conditions, for example, you are in a hurry to process files without caring about the speed of the laptop in processing the command at one time.

RAM is short for Random Access Memory. The function of RAM is a place to store semi-finite data, usually in the form of a non-permanent order. Small RAM affects laptop performance. Tidal orders that are not balanced with adequate RAM will have an impact on the laptop being hanging.

There are too many applications that can cause laptop hangs, especially heavy applications and require large RAMs. Opening heavy applications at one time will make the laptop hang.

The technology applied to laptops is now increasingly advanced. The potential for laptops to have a hang will be greater on older versions of laptops.

Although many factors are the cause, you can still overcome laptop hangs in several ways, namely as follows.

Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is the parent of the entire system on a laptop. BIOS contains various laptop settings and data. To anticipate laptop hangs, you can remove cahce on the bioS that makes the system heavy. How to clean the BIOS Cache is by pressing the f2, f8, f11, or f12 keys. The button pressed depends on the laptop brand.

The way to deal with a mobile hang laptop is to press simultaneously the Shift + CTRL + Esc or CTRl + Alt + Del button on the keyboard. This step is a shortcut to enter the Task Manager. You can close the heavy application that causes the laptop to hang via this shortcut.

Applications that require large RAM will affect laptop performance. To avoid laptop hang, it's a good idea to avoid heavy applications. You can look for other alternative applications that match your laptop RAM.

You can also delete heavy applications that have been installed on your laptop because they will increase the performance of your laptop. Do heavy unsintal applications that you rarely use such as design applications or video editing applications.

This step could be the last option for a laptop hang. Starting again the laptop operating system will finish hanging instantly but it is temporary. This means that the laptop potential is hanging again in the future.

That's information related to how to deal with a mobile laptop hang. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.