Attach Target, Realization Of Budget Of The Ministry Of Industry 2022 Capai 98.13 Percent

Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) Dody Widodo said, the realization of the Ministry of Industry's budget in the 2022 Fiscal Year (TA) reached 98.13 percent or exceeded the predetermined realization target, which was 98.05 percent.

"It is hoped that in the coming year, we can continue to improve the performance of budget implementation and financial reports correctly and accountably towards Unqualified Financial Reports (WTP)," said Dody at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 25.

It is known, the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) has disbursed a budget of IDR 3.43 trillion to the Ministry of Industry to carry out its program.

The Ministry of Industry's budget is focused on three priority activities.

First, vocational education and training programs, such as competency industrial labor training activities through System 3 in 1 Training (training, certification, and placement).

Second, added value programs and industrial competitiveness programs. Third, management support programs, namely domestic content level certification (TKDN) industrial products, data and information platform development Industry 4.0, as well as coordination of the implementation of the planned Making Indonesia 4.0 Program at the Secretariat General.

On the same occasion, Dody also expressed his appreciation and appreciation to the echelon I unit within the Ministry of Industry with the highest budget realization, reaching 99.66 percent.

Appreciation is also given to echelon II units and industrial centers throughout Indonesia with the highest absorption.

Doddy also hopes that all units at the Ministry of Industry can maximize the realization of the budget, not only in percentages, but also in the quality of the budget.

"I hope that the quality of the budget will also increase, so that we can really use the budget given as much as possible," he concluded.