Henry Surya Divonis Free, Alvin Lim's Son: My Father Has Learning About The Legal Mafia

JAKARTA - Henry Surya, a defendant in a case of alleged fraud and embezzlement of Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) funds, was acquitted by the West Jakarta District Court (PN), Tuesday, January 24.

"The trial stated that the defendant Henry Surya was above proven to have committed an act that was charged but was not a criminal act but a civil case," said Chief Judge Syafrudin Ainor at the West Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, January 24.

The judge acquitted Henry Surya of all legal charges charged against him. The judge then ordered Henry to be immediately removed from the detention center (remand) after the verdict was read.

"Therefore, the defendant Henry Surya is free from all legal charges that were previously charged in the first and first alternative charges," said the judge.

"Ordered that the defendant Henry Surya be immediately expelled from the Salemba Detention Center at the AGO after this decision was read out," continued the judge.

Although the trial was held online, dozens of Indosurya victims listened to the proceedings. The victims admitted that they were disappointed that Henry Surya was acquitted.

Kate Victoria Lim as the daughter of Alvin Lim's lawyer, the attorneys for the victims of Indosurya admitted that she was disappointed with the acquittal received by Henry Surya as the boss of KSP Indosurya.

"It is proven that my father (Alvin Lim) said that the Attorney General always said that the law would be sharp upwards. In fact, today it is proven that the law cannot be sharp upwards, to Henry Surya. My father has warned of a mafia in the AGO. This has long been warned by my father. Now it is proven. The AGO should stop imaging and pretend to feel sorry for the victims.

Meanwhile, Bambang Hartono, as from the LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, considered that the release of Henry Surya was the biggest disgrace for Indonesia.

"The release of Henry Surya is the biggest disgrace in the government of President Jokowi where the accused Ponzi Scheme of Rp. 106 trillion was acquitted. Worse, the lawyers of the victims who are vocally struggling and even imprisoned. This is really an embarrassing Aib of the Republic of Indonesia. This should have been formed by the Special Committee team. The DPR should also not be silent. This is not only the task of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm itself, especially since Alvin Lim was deliberately silenced in prison, so he was unable to act.

Alvin Lim's condition

Kate Victoria Lim revealed her father's current condition. conveying that her father is currently unwell. Even though he is sick, Kate said, his father is not allowed to go to the hospital.

"Now my father is thin dry, he is not allowed to go to the hospital even though he has complications. He eats vomiting and snatches so that he loses weight. The government is very cruel in treating vocals who dare to shout the truth, but it is very good to criminals of a big class who have hundreds of trillions of funds. It is proven that law enforcement officers are not afraid of the law and do not fear God. They are only afraid of poverty. My father is willing and sincere to be oppressed, he has said that he is willing to die for the sake of improving Indonesia." he explained.