There Are Many Tests And Trials, Sri Mulyani Asks Her Subordinates To Develop Talenta

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani invites her staff to continue to develop talents through various ways to achieve the best performance.

According to him, this is quite important because the Ministry of Finance employees as state financial managers face various levels of testing and trials.

"We need to continue to strengthen, develop, and continue to improve leadership as state financial managers because there are four levels of testing and trials," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, January 24.

The first level, continued the Minister of Finance, geopoliticals and the global economy. He said, the current situation must be understood by all the talents of the Ministry of Finance.

"The Ministry of Finance as the manager of state finances must understand that global environment will continuously change, dynamic, and sometimes even very drastically," he said.

Second, the Indonesian economy. It is stated that state financial managers must understand the Indonesian economy.

He emphasized that state finances are a tool for the state and instrument to manage the Indonesian economy.

"You are all leaders from the Ministry of Finance who manage state finances whether you can use this instrument to answer our economic challenges. Many challenges require leadership who always understand, are vigilant, and have the competence to see the direction of state financial policies," he said.

At the third level, the Ministry of Finance must be supported by organizations with a qualified business structure and business model for the process and answer various challenges.

And fourth, supported by a personality talent that makes the Ministry of Finance organization a ready institution with goals and challenges, ready with responsibilities, and able to see change.

The state treasurer hopes that the talent and leadership of the Ministry of Finance can implement the philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantoro. Namely, ing ngarso tulodo, ing madyo mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.

"So it's not a new philosophy, it's already conveyed by a lot of wisdom. This means that it describes from time to time, from time to time it lasts, meaning that organizations always need leaders and leadership who are able to move forward, in the middle, behind," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.