Don't Please Jokowi Will Intervention The 12 Year Demand For Bharada E: We Respect The Legal Process

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that he would not intervene in any legal processes in the country. Including, the trial of premeditated murder which resulted in a 12-year charge against Bharada Richard Vocational or Bharada E.

This was conveyed by Jokowi in response to the request for leniency submitted by Bharada E's mother. The former governor of DKI Jakarta stated that he could not interfere in the legal process.

"I cannot intervene in the ongoing legal process," said President Jokowi while reviewing the construction project for the Ciliwung River drain, East Jakarta, Tuesday, January 24.

Not only in the case of premeditated murder involving Bharada E and former Head of Propam Polri Ferdy Sambo et al, Jokowi will not interfere in any legal cases.

"For all cases. Not," he said.

He reminded anyone to obey and respect the ongoing legal process. Moreover, the trial is still ongoing today.

"We must respect the existing legal process in ongoing state institutions," said Jokowi.

Previously, Bharada E was charged by the public prosecutor (JPU) with a sentence of 12 years in prison. He is considered proven to have participated in a series of premeditated murder incidents against Yosua alias Brigadier J.

In the charge, there were several burdensome considerations. One of them Bharada E is the executor in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J.

However, there are also mitigating considerations. The prosecutor considers Bharada E to be a justice collaborator from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

The 12-year claim given to Richard totaling alias Bharada E has taken into account the status of Justice Collaborator (JC) from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). If there was no Bharada E, Bharada E's criminal charges could be similar to Ferdy Sambo's.

"But we have considered it so that we demand lower than the perpetrator, Mr. Sambo. If LPSK does not enter, maybe not that much," said Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum) at the AGO Fadil Zumhana. to reporters, Thursday, January 19.

Moreover, in determining the charges, the team of public prosecutors (JPU) saw the roles of each defendant.

In the series of killings of Yosua, the defendant Bharada E was the executor or perpetrator of the shooting. Thus, it is deemed appropriate to be prosecuted for 12 years in prison. he participated in the planning. This is because he agreed with Ferdy Sambo's order to execute Brigadier J.