West Kalimantan Police Handi 460 Cases Of Alleged Online Crime For 1 Year But Only Handling 59 Cases

West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Regional Police received 460 reports related to cases online or online and defamation cases during 2022.

"However, of the 460 reports that came in, only about 59 cases could be handled. The problem was that someone used a fake account, so we had difficulty tracking it," said personnel from the Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalbar Nova Novianti in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Tuesday, January 24, confiscated by Antara.

He said the difficulties faced by his party were because the person who created this fake account used online numbers from abroad, such as the Philippines, Cambodia, America and so on.

In that case, Nova hopes that people will not be easily consumed by hoaxes, use social media well, do not spread fake news and oppression.

"Moreover, this is ahead of the 2024 General Election, so it is hoped that it will not attack other people's individuals. Because now social media users are protected by the ITE Law, so if we do KBGO or spread fake news, we can be prosecuted," he said.

He also said that his party is ready to serve the community if anyone wants to report or even who wants to share information related to the case, so that the Ditreskrimsus can provide action and also education.

"Especially at the West Kalimantan Police Criminal Investigation Unit, we can contact the investigator's contact number, so later we will follow up, we can share with us, then we will provide education if there is wrong action. So no one reports to each other," he said.