Sandiaga: Political Contest Continues, We Focus On Accelerating Development

JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno emphasized that currently, he is more focused on impacting economic progress for Indonesia.

"This political contest continues, we focus on national thinking, so how can we accelerate development sustainably," said Sandiaga Uno in a statement as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 23.

He emphasized that the activities carried out at this time are more frequent in staying in touch and carrying out activities to have a positive impact on economic progress.

"Later the political problems up there will start to knit," he said.

This was conveyed by Sandiaga when providing government assistance in the film sub-sector for the Baros Tourism Village, Bandung Regency, West Java.

Sandiaga hopes that this assistance can support the need for creative content creation because it is proven that thanks to the assistance provided, it can win various film festival awards.

"I encourage the Citalutug film community to take part in the monthly film festival and become champions to be sent to film festivals. That way local talents will emerge and develop, so that they can become the forerunners of the creative economy infrastructure that is really needed," he hoped.

Sandiaga added that currently, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is continuing to revitalize tourist destinations in accordance with President Joko Widodo's directions.

Meanwhile, one of the supervisors of the Baros Tourism Village Firman (41) appreciated Sandiaga Uno's presence in his village and hoped that this activity could introduce Baros Tourism Village to foreign countries.

"The program from Gemawira and Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno really supports us. We hope to introduce Baros Tourism Village to the outside community," he said.

In this activity, the Entrepreneurial Community Movement (Gemawira) conducted training on managing village tourism businesses as well as creative video content. This activity is to encourage economic growth through the tourism sector which benefits the welfare of rural communities.