Police Investigate Explosion Near Papuan Journalist's House

JAKARTA - Jayapura City Police are investigating the incident of throwing objects that exploded near the house of senior Papuan journalist, Victor Mambor.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady, confirmed that the explosion had occurred.

"Yes, someone threw a bomb. It's still under investigation by the Jayapura City Police," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 23.

Benny said that the police had taken investigative steps after the bomb-throwing report was received, one of which was to investigate the crime scene.

"Crime scene processing has been carried out and is currently being investigated by the Jayapura City Police," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Management of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemned the bomb-throwing action next to the house of the Management Advisory Council of the Indonesian AJI Organization and also senior journalist in Papua Victor Mambor.

In a written statement, AJI Jayapura said an object exploded on the side of the road about three meters from the wall of Victor Mambor's house in Angkasapura Village, North Jayapura District, Jayapura City. The incident occurred around 04.00 WIT.

From the evidence of the CCTV camera footage installed in one part of Victor's house. There is a glimpse of a motorbike passing by the side of his house before the explosion.

Viktor is a recipient of the 2022 Udin Award. This is the second time he has received the terror after the first terror on April 21, 2022. Victor's Isuzu D-Max car which was parked on the side of the road beside his house was vandalized by unknown persons.

This case has been reported to the Jayapura City Police, but the culprit has not been found so far. It is suspected that this terror act was related to journalistic products produced by Jubi media, where Victor is the general leader of the media company.

AJI Jayapura has established communication with the Head of the Jayapura City Police, Senior Commissioner of Police, Victor Mackbon, to reveal the perpetrators in this case. The Kapolresta stated that he would investigate the perpetrators involved in the intimidation of Victor Mambor as a journalist in Papua.

"Law enforcement efforts in the bomb terror case at Victor Mambor's house are our concern. We have carried out a crime scene investigation and will investigate this case," said the Head of the Jayapura City Police, Kombes Polri Victor Mackbon.

In addition to strongly condemning the terrorist act, AJI Jayapura in its statement also asked the Papua Regional Police and the Jayapura City Police to thoroughly investigate the perpetrators and the motives behind the bomb terror attack that hit Victor Mambor.

AJI Jayapura invites all journalists in Papua to never give up on voicing the truth amidst various obstacles. Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum, which means let justice be upheld even though the sky will fall.