Drigging Through Social Media, Mataram Regional Government Waits For Central Official Rules

The Social Service of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, is waiting for an official circular letter from the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding directions to take action against people who carry out the phenomenon of "online epidemics" on social media platforms.

"If we have received the circular, we will immediately take supervisory steps," said Head of the Sudirman Social Service in Mataram, Thursday, January 19.

This was conveyed in response to the statement of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini who would write to the local government (Pemda) to take action against people who carry out the "online epidemic" phenomenon on the Tiktok social media platform because the phenomenon of begging, both online and offline, is not allowed.

It's just that, continued Sudirman, as long as the regulation is available, his party cannot do anything because to take steps to handle, prevent, and others, there must be a legal umbrella.

"If there are regulations, we will also monitor indications of 'online missions' activities on social media," he said.

The reason is, if there are regulations, of course, they will be included with technical instructions for implementation, as well as criteria for community activities on social media that are categorized as "online epidemics".

"Right now, we still only know, but we can't confirm if a social media platform is included in the indication of 'online missions'," he said.

While alluding to offline beggar activities roaming the city of Mataram, Sudirman said, so far the supervision by the social task force on street children, homeless people, and beggars continues to be carried out at a number of strategic points.

For example, on the edge of certain roads, red lights, city parks, and shopping centers.

Sudirman assessed that beggar activities in Mataram City can now be said to be relatively quiet. Especially after there were findings of cases of indications of child exploitation carried out by mothers on January 3, 2023.

"There is still one stubborn person and that is our target and we will coordinate with the district of origin because this beggar comes from outside the city," he said.