Sandiaga Uno: The Year of Politics Is Actually Good for Tourism

JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, said that in 2023, which is a political year, the tourism industry has the potential to experience good development, due to the large number of political parties holding activities in hotels.

"This may be our opportunity to convey that politics is actually good for tourism and the creative economy because there are definitely lots of activities in hotels", said Minister Sandiaga Uno at the Indonesia Tourism Outlook 2023 event which was held in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, January 18.

He also hopes that several political events will be held in cafes and invite legislative candidates to hold events at these locations.

In cafes, continued Sandiaga Uno, candidates for legislative members can hold empowering activities as well as training-themed activities.

Sandiaga also assessed that the current political era has completely changed, in which the era of divisive politics has been left behind by the younger generation, and millennials have started to leave behind unhappy politics. So according to him, politics should be fun.

"They want to be happy in Marawa. Marawa can be a place for discussion, even if they drink ginger tea", joked Sandiaga Uno.

For this reason, his party encourages various efforts in 2023 this could be the right time to invest in Indonesia's leading tourist destinations, and there is a government target in 2024 to open 4.4 million jobs in the tourism sector.

He also encouraged investors to be able to invest in five super priority destinations, 10 priority tourism destinations, and 8 tourism Special Economic Zones (KEK).

"Apart from that, there are also 12 sustainable tourism projects that can be encouraged", said Minister Sandiaga Uno.