The Position Of The Village Head Is 9 Years Old, The Mass Of The DPR Geruduk Will Be Audience With Baleg This Afternoon

JAKARTA - Hundreds of village heads (kades) rallied in front of the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 17. They asked the DPR to revise the Village Law and asked for the village office to be extended from 6 years to 9 years.

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad met with protesters who filled the front body of the DPR Building. Dasco invited representatives of the village head to hold an audience with the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR. "Because of this, the first time, the masses have been increasing and I monitor the congestion in the capital city, it is getting denser because these points traffic diversions make the citizens of Jakarta disrupted their activities," Dasco said when meeting village heads in front of the DPR Building. "Therefore, I came out to convey that my friends immediately know that their aspirations are heard and will be discussed in the Legislation Body so that the leadership of this delegation can disburse the buildup so that congestion that disrupts most of the citizens of Jakarta can decay," he continued. Dasco said, he explained to the village heads that the authority to revise the Village Law is in the DPR and the government. Therefore, the village heads are welcome to convey their aspirations to Baleg so that they are proposed to be included in the national legislation program (Prolegnas) to be discussed together with the government.

"That what was conveyed to revise Law number 6 regarding the addition points to 9 years without periodization, I have conveyed that for the revision there are two competent, namely the government and the DPR," explained Dasco. "Therefore, I ask them to lobby the government and this afternoon the DPR Legislation Body will receive representatives from the village head to listen to the points and aspirations of the village head so that the revision of Law number 6, can be included in the National Legislation Program in 2023," he continued.

Dasco said representatives of the village head would be received by Baleg at 12.00 WIB later. "At 12 o'clock in Baleg will be accepted," he said. It is known, hundreds of village heads held a demonstration in front of the DPR Building, Senayan, Tuesday, January 17. The masses demanded an extension of their term from six years to nine years.

The crowd in brown uniforms packed Jalan Gatot Subroto towards Slipi. This action disrupted traffic in front of the DPR/MPR building.

As a result of this demonstration, TMC Polda Metro Jaya closed the toll exit in front of the DPR / MPR towards Slipi. The vehicle is temporarily diverted to the exit Grogol.