Check Out The Tips For Saving Battery Use On Your Smartphone!

JAKARTA - One of the important aspects that some people often pay attention to in choosing a smartphone is the battery capacity.

Although currently many brands offer larger and longer-lasting battery capacities, anxiety about power loss is still a common problem for smartphone users.

Some brands currently provide features that serve to save on your battery usage. If you want to know how, you might be able to try the following tips yourself.

Use Power Saving Mode (Power Saving Mode)

Almost all smartphones have this feature to bridge or reduce certain functions, activities, and visual effects. This mode is very suitable for you to apply if you want to save battery life when your battery is running low, especially when you are far from charging.

Reduce Screen Brightness

Screen brightness is one of the factors your battery runs out quickly. The higher the brightness, the faster your battery will run out, and vice versa.

So, if you want to save on the use of your smartphone battery, it's a good idea to lower the screen brightness or apply automatic brightness mode.

TURN Off Always-On Mode and Reduce Screen Wait Time

Since the screen is the worst battery drain factor, it's also a good idea to reduce how long the screen is on. The lowest settings can be annoying, so choose the time limit that suits you.

If you are an iPhone user, maybe you can disable the Always-On feature that keeps your phone on, so that battery usage is not wasteful.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures such as too cold or too hot can cause your battery to break quickly. There are not many ways to avoid this factor, but try to avoid things like leaving your smartphone on the dashboard of the car or reducing the use of the phone when the sun is hot.

Use Non-Disgusted Mode

With this feature, you can schedule regular stopping times on your smartphone. Setting times when a notification is limited can help you sleep, focus on work, and rest from persistent demands, with the added benefit that your battery will last longer.

Enable Aircraft Mode

If you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, perhaps using airplane mode is a way that will allow you to save battery usage. However, you should understand that with this feature, the signal or network on your SIM card won't work.

Find the Cause of Your Battery Out SOON

If you've tried some of the tips that have been mentioned before, but your smartphone battery is still wasteful, maybe you should find out what caused your battery to run out quickly. Smart phones now have an internal battery usage chart that will show you which apps are causing the battery to drain quickly.

Remove and Limit Applications

If you have found the cause application, you can check your list of apps and uninstall anything you don't need.