Anticipate Floods In Grobogan, Ganjar Pranowo Wants This

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said flood disasters in Grobogan Regency must be handled quickly. Including repairing collapsed embankments in the Lusi River, Karangsari Village, Brati, Grobogan, and handling deflated mountainous areas.

"Actually, if the embankment is not too difficult, it's just a matter of returning it. But the problem is that it must be long term so that the Lusi River must be handled immediately with this extreme weather change. We don't want it to happen again next year," said Ganjar while reviewing the repair of the broken embankment on the Lusi River, Karangsari Village, Brati District, Grobogan Regency, Friday, January 13.

In the long term, Ganjar encourages the handling of the Lusi River to be included as a priority for the Ministry of PUPR together with a number of areas in Central Java such as Kudus, Jepara, and Pati.

"Alhamdulillah yesterday Pak Basuki was present around Kudus, Jepara, to Pati. I have told him. PUPR district has also made a proposal later I will back up to be forwarded to Pak Basuki so that these critical areas are detected from the start so that there are points that we can do early warnings," explained Ganjar.

In addition to the runoff of the Lusi River from the direction of Blora, the flooding that inundated villages and agricultural land in Brati District also came from the mountains of North Kendeng and the Tuntang river. In the event of heavy rain or extreme weather, water from the Kendeng Utara mountains immediately fell to Brati. That's because the Kendeng Utara area is scattered.

"The Kendeng Utara mountain is quite thick. If I look here, it is not because of excavation C but converts plants from hard plants to plants a season. Now the plants are corn. I don't think this is a hard plant. If it is planted, corn will rain here. One hour it will rain here and there. No. This must be arranged together. If not, we will experience a bad situation," said Ganjar accompanied by Regent Grobogan Sri Sumarni.

Regarding flood management in Grobogan, Ganjar continued, the Grobogan Regency Government has prepared a number of actions. Starting from preparing DED and sodetan in inundated areas. Short-term handling in the form of repairing river embankments has also been carried out together with BBWS.

"Then to take care of the Lusi river, I think we will continue later because the Minister of PUPR already has attention for this, we just need to emphasize it to be a priority. Because this is a disaster, it must be handled immediately, if it is regular, waiting for the next APBN, now God willing, it will be in the disaster category so that it can be handled this year," he explained.

Grobogan Regent Sri Sumarni added that flooding in Brati District occurs almost every year. The Lusi River Embankment in Deresa Karangsari also often breaks because it is unable to withstand the flow with high water discharge during extreme weather.

"As a result of this flood, more than a thousand hectares of agricultural land failed to harvest or could not be planted. Karangsari village failed to harvest," he told Ganjar.