New Smartphones Must Be Discussed 8 Hours, Myth Or Facts?

YOGYAKARTA - When buying a new smartphone, people usually use it carefully. The new cellphone will be treated as well as possible, starting from the body, operating system, to the battery. Some say the new smartphone must be charged for 8 hours to make the battery last longer.

The demand for new phones to be charged for 8 hours has actually been a tip for a long time. However, until now there are still many who believe that new smartphone batteries must be charged before use. Usually smartphones are in empty battery condition, only then are filled to a maximum capacity of 100 percent.

But in an era of technology that is growing like now. Does a new smartphone still need to be charged for 8 hours?

The demand to charge new smartphones until the battery is fully charged has actually existed since the 2000s. At this time, smartphones have not spread much like they are today.

At that time it was recommended to charge the cellphone for hours so that the battery power is maximally charged. This step needs to be done because in that era the material used for the battery component is niCad or Ni-MH (Nikel-Metal Hydride).

NICD or NiMH types of batteries on older phones really need to be charged for a long time so that battery life is more durable. This old battery is able to store a large enough power or a lot. If it is likened to the battery capacity of this phone, it is like a stretched rubber.

So if you only charge it in a short time, the battery will run out quickly. Vice versa, if charged for a long time, the battery will last longer. Even when the battery indicator is full, you can still charge continuously.

So, is this method still relevant to be applied to today's smartphones? New smartphones in today's era do not need to be criticized for a long time. Modern smartphones use batteries made from Lithium ions (Li-ion) or Lithium Polymer (Li-Poly).

This battery will be fully charged when the power indicator has shown a hundred percent. If you continue to fill it, the incoming power will still be that much. So new smartphones in today's era don't need to be charged for a long time. You just have to charge until the power reaches 100 percent.

In addition, charging smartphone batteries in today's era does not need to wait until the phone goes out or runs out first. You are free to charge whatever the remaining power is on your smartphone.

In the manual, there are also no special provisions that instruct to charge smartphones for several hours. In addition, the Li-ion or Li-poly batteries used on cellphones are now also not recommended to use them until they run out.

The condition of the phone battery running out can affect the lifespan of battery usage to be shorter. It is better if you charge the battery before it reaches the remaining 20 percent or before the weak battery' notification is issued.

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai smartphone baru perlu dicas selama 8 jam, apakah benar? Ternyata insulasi ini sudah tidak relevan lagi diterapkan pada smartphone era sekarang. Akir pada smartphone modern sudah bisa digunakan langsung tanpa perlu diisi daya dalam waktu lama.

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