Serious Ganjar Runs Megawati's Directives To Overcome Stunting

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo encouraged the Brebes Regency Government to accelerate the handling of poverty in five sub-districts. Especially regarding stunting and disaster management conditions.

"I ask that the management program for reducing poverty is intense and Pak Urip as the Acting Officer has prepared it. Yesterday's local government, the concept was good, just accelerate it," said Ganjar at the Brebes Hall, as quoted from a press release, Thursday, January 12.

Ganjar meminta, verifikasi dan validasi data yang akurat terkait penduduk miskin menjadi hal penting. Sebab, Pemkab Brebes harus menemukan mereka yang sesuai dengan kategori tersebut.

"I want to start with verification and data validation, then we can enter and can find out which ones are categorized as extreme and not extreme," said Ganjar.

So far, Ganjar admitted, a number of programs that have been launched by the Brebes Regency Government should be appreciated. Especially in poverty alleviation which can be started from preventing stunting cases, including the OPD 1 Movement for the Development of the Poor Village, Poverty Advocacy in 17 sub-districts and Local Energy for Labor Intensive.

"This is comprehensively done. Even earlier, creativity began to be considered by pregnant women, education through religious institutions every Friday was carried out. Then mapping out areas that spatially we could know the area anywhere," Ganjar signed.

Ganjar noted, there are 5 sub-districts that are categorized as extreme poverty in Brebes Regency, namely Losari there are 5 villages, Bulakamba there are 5 villages, Bantarkawung there are 5 villages), Larangan there are 5 villages and there are 5 villages.

The total target is 16,422 latrines, 19,129 uninhabitable houses (RTLH), 4,463 electrical assistance, 6,597 water access assistance that must be built. In addition, social assistance from the unexpected expenditure budget that must be prepared is worth IDR 664 billion with a target recipient of 23,240 aid.

PDIP-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri did not only discuss politics in her speech on the 50th PDIP Anniversary (HUT).

In front of his party members, Megawati also touched on the issue of stunting. He felt that currently mothers were too focused on make-up and makeup.

"Women now want to dress up all the time. There are more cosmetic advertisements, yes, there are bribes (differences), skin smoothers. What is that, what do you think about until stunting children?" said Megawati at JIE Kemayoran Jakarta.