Profiles Of Yusril Ihza Mahendra And His Political Careers Since The Suharto Era

YOGYAKARTA - The name Yusril Ihza Mahendra is in the public spotlight after being supported by President Joko Widodo to become a presidential and vice presidential candidate in 2024. Jokowi's support for the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) was conveyed at the UN National Coordination Meeting in Jakarta some time ago.

Many people are curious about Yusril Ihza Mahendra's profile. Yusril has a very long and competent experience in the world of politics in the country so that he is considered suitable to run in the 2024 presidential election.

Yusril was born in Bangka Belitung on February 5, 1956. He is the son of the couple Idris Haji Zainal Abidin and Nursiha Sandon. The family of his father came from Johor, Malaysia. His great grandfather, Haji Thaib, is a royal of the Sultanate of Johor. His father's family has lived in Belitung since the early 19th century.

While his mother came from Aie Tabik, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. His mother, from the mother's side, in the 19th century, went abroad from Minangkabau and settled in Belitung. His grandfather is a traditional theater director.

Yuzril grew into a person who continued the tradition of Malay scholars from his family, ranging from religion, philosophy, law, art, to literature.

Yusril Ihza Mahendra has been active in organization since he was in junior high school (SMP). While in junior high school, he was elected chairman of OSIS. Likewise when he was at high school (SMA).

After graduating from high school, Yusril continued his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. Apart from law, he also pursues Philosophy at the Faculty of Letters, University of Indonesia.

Yusril then continued his master's education at the University of Theisland, Pakistan in 1985. He also took a Doctorate of Political Sciences at the University of Malaysian Science in 1993. In addition, Yusril also studied at the Theater Academy at Taman Ismail Marzuki.

Yusril Ihza Mahendra started his career as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia. He taught subjects of Studia Islamica, Constitutional Law, Comparisons of Constitutional Law, Theory of Law, and Legal Philosophy. Yusril was appointed Professor of Constitutional Law in 1998.

Yusril has been actively involved in the organizational world since he was young. When he was in the first grade of junior high school, Yusril became the Secretary of the KAPPI (Indonesian Student Youth Action Unit) Rayon Belitung Timur. During his junior high and high school days, Yusril also participated in the Indonesian Muslim Youth organization. During his college days, Yusril was a member of the Student Representative Body of the UI Faculty of Law and became the Chair of the UI Student Consultative Assembly. In addition, he became an active student at the Islamic Student Association (HMI).

Before entering the academic world, Yusril was even close to the government bureaucracy during the new order regime. In 1976, Yusril was summoned to work at the State Secretariat led by Moerdiono as Minister of State Secretary. Yusril received the task of preparing Presidential ARTICLES, ranging from letters to a draft of President Suharto's speech. During Suharto's reign until 1998, Yusril had written more than 300 speech scripts.

Yusril and the reformists founded a political party, namely the Crescent Star Party (PBB). This party is said to be the successor to the struggle of the Masyumi Party in the Soekarno era. Yusril served as Chairman of the United Nations from 1998 to 2005.

Yusril once ran as a presidential candidate during the presidential election at the MPR RI Session, October 1999. Yusril received 232 votes. Meanwhile, Megawati received 305 votes and 185 Abdurrahman Wahid. Actually, Yusril at the time had a great opportunity to rise as president to replace BJ Habibie.

However, the Central Poros coalition carried Abdurrahman Wahid who was brought by PKB to be pitted against Megawati. As a result in the second round, Gusdur was able to beat Megawati because she got the most votes.

After the reform, Yusril's career continued to grow. Yusril has been a minister in different presidential governments several times. During Gusdur's leadership (1999-2001), Yusril became Minister of Justice and Human Rights. During Megawati's reign (2001-2004), he was appointed Minister of Law and Human Rights. In the era of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2007), he was elected Minister of State Secretary.

This is Yusril Ihza Mahendra's profile and his career journey. Apart from being active in the political arena, Usril also regularly writes books, journals, and columns in various mass media. He wrote a lot about constitutional, religious, philosophical and political issues.

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