KY Highlight Akes Case Information At The Supreme Court Wassuance Of Corruption

The Judicial Commission (KY) said access to information on case handling at the Supreme Court (MA) was a hot spot for corrupt practices.

KY members as well as the Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law, Research and Development Division Binziad Kadafi said the access could be limited or closed in information.

"One point prone to corruption is limited and the disclosure of information about the results of certain processes in handling cases in the Supreme Court," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, January 11, quoted by Antara.

According to him, the limited information will tease litigants to communicate and have an additional approach with the parties in the Supreme Court, including irresponsible individuals.

In addition to being able to trade information that should be normatively obtained, communication and unofficial approaches can be misappropriated and claimed to the setting of the contents of the verdict.

Therefore, KY appreciates and gives full support for the Supreme Court's initiative in early January 2022 in the form of improving the publication of the verdict on the Case Information System in the Supreme Court.

"This step, although small, has a strategic meaning for strengthening transparency and integrity in the Supreme Court," he said.

Since 2007, every decision has been published by the Supreme Court even though it only contains short information such as rejection (which means that the appeal/PK application was rejected by the panel of judges), Kabul (cassation/PK application was granted by the panel of judges), and rejected improvement (the appeal/PK application was rejected but with certain improvements to the previous court's decision.

However, even though it refers to the verdict and was published on the same day as the time for the presentation of the verdict, KY assessed that the short information was not sufficient. The litigants will continue to look for ways to get more detailed information.

"This is where the space for speculation and transactions that have the potential to involve or be linked to the judge so that it can lead to violations of the KEPPH," he said.

He said, through the improvement of the Supreme Court Case Information in the near future, justice seekers and the public can immediately find out the essence of the verdict, including the criminal provisions applied, the length of imprisonment or confinement, the amount of fines imposed, even to the determination of the status of evidence.

"KY is committed to continuing to support various improvements made by the Supreme Court in preventing corruption and realizing a clean and independent trial," he concluded.