When Children Have Disappropriate Behavior, This Is An Action That Parents Need To Take
JAKARTA - Children's disrespectful behavior when they are active in their environment can embarrass parents. It's not impossible, parents are considered to have failed to educate their children. Then, what do parents need to do when their child behaves disrespectfully?
Neglecting disrespectful behavior sounds the same as justifying your little one's behavior. However, launching Very Well Family, Wednesday, January 11, neglecting his behavior selectively can have a deterrent effect on children. For example, when you asked him to clean the room and he refused for a lot of reasons or gave a gesture of refusal. Don't argue about that disrespectful behavior. Give an explanation of the consequences that will occur if the room is not cleaned.
If neglecting behavior seems unsuccessful or you feel there is something else that might happen, then try to pay attention again to what causes your child to act disrespectfully. Conduct is a form of communication and disrespectful behavior may be a way for your child to tell you that something is wrong. It could be that the child wants more time and attention or wants to convey the emotions he is feeling.
Before doing the right thing, of course, mistakes need to be made first. If you want your child to learn to behave respectfully, then give him a chance to train. For example, your 10-year-old child said, "Mom, take me to a friend's house right now!" Before you start giving advice at length about a good speech adab, just say, "Oh! Can you say one more time?" This gives your child the opportunity to play his voice using his own thinking skills to identify better word choices.
If your child struggles with some behavioral problems, sometimes you feel like you are constantly reprimanding him or giving him punishment. It can shrink your mind both you and your little one. Therefore, consider focusing on one or two disrespectful behaviors that need to be addressed first. Then let other behaviors catch up to fix when the main problems are resolved.
Always remember that your child is in the learning process and parents need to warn him every time he makes a mistake. Sometimes, the best way to respond to child's disrespectful behavior is not by shouting or scolding, but calmly and firmly conveying that you want your child to learn to be polite when talking or acting.