PLN And The Malaysian Electricity Company Have Strengthened Electricity And Energy Transition Cooperation

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo met with the CEO of the Malaysian electricity company, National Energy Berhad (TNB), Dato Indera Ir. Baharin bin Din in Jakarta. At this meeting, the two of them agreed on a joint commitment to strengthening cooperation in the development of electricity and collaboration in an effort to realize the energy transition to Net Zero Emission (NZE).

Darmawan said the two leaders of the state electricity company agreed to strengthen cooperation in the existing electricity sector.

"We agree on how PLN and TNB continue to strengthen existing cooperation. We discuss not only at the level of strategy but also at the operational level," Darmawan said in an official statement, Tuesday, January 10.

To TNB, Darmawan also explained the performance and achievements of PLN so far and are open to opening cooperation with all parties. Therefore, this visit is the first step of a long-term productive relationship between PLN and TNB.

Darmawan added, PLN and TNB also discussed support for the energy transition and development of new and renewable energy (EBT). This is in accordance with Indonesia and Malaysia's commitment to achieving zero carbon emissions or net zero emissions.

"We are also exploring various ways including how we can accelerate the development of renewable energy and new, cleaner energy to accelerate the energy transition and NZE so that Malaysia and Indonesia have stronger cooperation," Darmawan continued.

Dato Indera Ir. Baharin bin Din expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome from the President Director of PLN and his staff. He hopes that this meeting will be followed up by strengthening the cooperation of both parties.

"We are very determined by the commitment of the two countries to a strong energy transition, development of renewable energy, and development of battery-based electricity. Both TNB and PLN have the same views and visions that will strengthen collaboration," said Dato Indera.

This meeting is a discussion on exploring the continuation of the cooperation between TNB and PLN in developing reliable electricity infrastructure for the two companies.