Ahead Of The Fasting Month, Trade Minister Zulhas WaspadaI The Increase In Egg Prices To Chili

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan is wary of the increase in the price of a number of food commodities ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. He said, usually ahead of the fasting month, the rising prices of foodstuffs are eggs, chilies, and onions.

For information, this year's Holy Month of Ramadan is estimated to fall on March 22-23, 2023. This means that approximately two months more Muslim Holidays will take place.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, said that for eggs, price increases usually occur due to high demand.

On the other hand, said Zulhas, egg production cannot be at the same time large.

"Usually there are eggs, there are no two eggs (to beat them). If the eggs need two days, the eggs are still one, right," he said when met at the Office of the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 10.

Meanwhile, said Zulhas, the increase in the price of chilies and onions, usually occurs due to bad weather factors.

"Same chili, afraid of the weather and onions," he said.

Zulhas said, to anticipate price spikes and lack of supply ahead of and during the fasting month, the Ministry of Trade will prepare transportation or logistics subsidies.

However, continued Zulhas, domestic production will still be stable.

"If production is stable. In fact, if the need is fast, the government has prepared a subsidy for transportation and prices," said Zulhas.