If The Raperda Escapes, The Surabaya City Government Is Required To Accept Child Care Sites For Workers

SURABAYA - The DPRD wants the Surabaya City Government to be able to prepare child care locations for workers. This breakthrough is trying to be included in the Raperda concerning Amendments to the Regional Regulation on the Implementation of Child Protection.

Chairman of the Raperda Special Committee on Amendments to the Regional Regulation on the Implementation of Child Protection of the Surabaya City DPRD, Tjutjuk Suparion, said that so far child care managed by the Surabaya City Government is closer to the municipal government employee segment.

This facility has not targeted the children of workers and informal workers in industrial areas.

"As a result, the workers, who are generally women, are finally difficult in parenting," he said, Tuesday, January 10.

To anticipate this, he continued, the workers were forced to leave it to their neighbors or parents in the village so they had to be far away from their children.

"This is a pity while children need closeness with their parents," said Tjutjuk, who is also a member of Commission D of the Surabaya DPRD, quoted from Antara.

Tjutjuk added that the workers' last alternative was forced to stop working to take care of children until a rather large age. Even though they are at productive age.

Meanwhile, when they are ready to return to work, he continued, they are no longer at productive age and cannot return to work in factories. In the end, it only works informally, whose income is uncertain.

"In addition to child care, we ask the Raperda to emphasize that children aged 0 (zero) to less than 15 (fifteen) years are not allowed to work and or be employed," he said.

Not only that, he said, the city government is also expected to build child-friendly government offices so that children when visiting government offices can minimize injuries due to accidents.

Then the problem of early marriage, educational social media content so that children become adults before the time needs to be regulated in the draft regulation on Changes to the Regional Regulation on the Implementation of Child Protection.

Tidak lupa pemerintah juga perlu memperhatikan anak-anak disabilitasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhannya dan rumah aman bagi anak korban kejahatan seksual, terlibat dalam penjujujuan art budaya dan menjaga kelespati lingkungan.

Finally, Tjutjuk hopes that this Raperda will not only provide protection for native Surabaya children who live inside and outside Surabaya but also provide protection for migrant children from other regencies/cities and children from all parts of the world living in Surabaya.