When Children Find It Difficult To Remember Letters And Figures, Parents Need To Understand This

YOGYAKARTA Given that it's not an easy matter. Apart from being done instantly, parents need to understand if it is difficult for their child to remember letters and numbers.

Most of us, not remembering everything we hear, read, see, or experience. Does it mean experiencing problems with the brain and memory? No, this is just because memories are complicated and confusing. For example, children are easier to remember tones than words. This is because of his interest in music. So why can anyone remember numbers, words, or notes easily and others not.

The memory process is complicated, reported by the Organization Understanding page, Tuesday, January 10. But what is certain is that the memory works gradually and involves all kinds of memories. There are three types of storages'' systems in the brain. Each has a different role. The memory system in the brain, includes the following:

This system takes information and stores in short-term storage. What is stored depends on how well a person pays attention to it.

The second system is like a long-term storage unit, which stores two types of memories. Namely episodic memories of important personal events and feelings related to them. For example, thoughts about your last family event. There, maybe you remember who was present, what was discussed, and the menu you ate. Even you and your children can remember the smell of food. Memories are also about the feelings when you are around the family.

While the second type of long-term memory, is semantic memory. This is a long-term storage unit that stores all the facts that can be remembered when asked. For example, when children are asked about an important date in history, they will mention the date and year according to the information stored in a semantic storage unit.

The third memory system, is a memory system. It finds information in storage and "attracts it". Think about Christopher Columbus' question. If 1492 doesn't appear in your mind in a second or two, you will use other strategies to find it. You may secretly repeat Columbus' song from elementary school with "sea blue" lyrics.

How to help children remember information, whether in the form of numbers, letters and words, or historical data, can be honed by improving certain skills. Among them are as follows:

There are other types of memory systems that work in other ways, called working memory. This system stores information in the mind for a very short time, so the brain can use it directly or store it.

For parents, it is important to recognize children's interests. For example, children who like music may pay more attention to song lyrics than things they lack interest in. They may also spend more time listening to music than history teachers. Most children can pay attention to when they need it and receive important information.

They can keep it in short-term and long-term memory and remember it when they need it. But some children have difficulty with memories. Children who have problems with focus may find it difficult with memory coding parts.

This means that focus is important in shaping the habit of remembering words and numbers as well as understanding their interests. If you're wondering if your child's having trouble remembering, there are some steps you can take to find out.

First, try to pay attention to the pattern, about certain things that your child finds difficult to remember, certain times that mark difficulties in remembering, the health of your child. Second, ask their teachers at school about effective habits in memory.