Megawati Reportedly Immediately Announces PDIP Presidential Candidate, PAN: JUST Relax KIB

The United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) does not want to rush to declare the figure to be carried in the 2024 presidential election in the midst of news in the near future PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri is said to be announcing the name of the PDIP presidential candidate.

Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi said, the current KIB is still relaxed in finalizing its vision, mission and presidential program. If it is time, Viva ensures that PAN and two other KIB members of PPP and Golkar will announce it immediately. "Yes, KIB is relaxed. It must be announced soon," said Viva to VOI, Monday, January 9. However, Viva said, PAN welcomed the statement by the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani regarding the name of the PDIP presidential candidate, Megawati only announced. PAN considers that the PDIP's attitude will affect the political attitudes of other political parties participating in the 2024 presidential election. "The PDI-P's political stance is the key to determining the political configuration in the 2024 presidential election. Who will be promoted as a presidential candidate will be an important part in the process of pairing presidential and vice presidential candidates for other political parties," he explained.

According to Viva, whoever the figure will be carried by PDIP, is the best choice for the party bearing the bull symbol. Moreover, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto has given a leak at the PDIP anniversary tomorrow that Megawati announced.

"If Mas Hasto says there is a surprise, then it could be that PDIP will announce the presidential election. And if it is true, then it will certainly be an important part of the competition map in the presidential election. It affects all political parties, not just PAN," he continued.

"Moreover, Ms. Puan, there will definitely be a super surprise, hehe...," he said again. In line with Viva, the chairman of the PPP DPP, Achmad Baidowi or Awiek, said that KIB is still looking at the political dynamics ahead. The reason, he said, is that the registration time for presidential and vice presidential candidates is still a long time. "Yes, it's still a long process, we will see the political dynamics that exist," Awiek told VOI, Monday, January 9.

PPP, he continued, also respects the attitude of PDIP which will immediately announce the name of its presidential candidate. Regarding figures, the party bearing the name of the Kaaba does not want to interfere in the 'kitchen' affairs of other political parties. "Of course we do not interfere in the affairs of PDIP, that is their own business. And we respect the attitude of PDIP," said Awiek. Including, continued Awiek, if PDIP will carry its own presidential candidate. According to him, this is good because PDIP is sufficient as a condition not to form a coalition with other political parties. "PDIP without a coalition can nominate presidential candidates because the number of seats is sufficient, and that is good for PDIP," he concluded.

Sementara sebelumnya, Partai Golkar menyatakan, deklarasi capres dan cawapres dari KIB bakal dilakukan usai Lebaran atau April 2023 mendatang. Wakitum Partai Golkar Nurul Arifin, mengatakan momentum deklarasi capres setelahi Lebaran lantaran karena tak terbentur dengan jadwal fasta dan Hari Raya.

"If I look at it maybe after Eid maybe (declaration of presidential and vice presidential candidates) so that the situation is conducive, between fasting, Eid and the presidential candidate and so on," said Nurul, Wednesday, January 4. Regarding the figure of a presidential candidate, said Nurul, Golkar, PAN and PPP encouraging internal figures to run in the 2024 presidential election.