It Was Used During The Inauguration Of Brazilian Presidentla: Rolls-Royce Silver Wrap 1952 "Brother"

JAKARTA - Brazilian President Luiz Inacio CLA da Silva may have been an ordinary person, but at his inauguration Sunday afternoon last week, he arrived in a magnificent style driving a 1952 Rolls-Royce Silver Drivership convertible.

The classic L6-engine soft-top car with a capacity of 4,257cc with the HJ Mulliner car is an official state car, used in the presidential inauguration for the last 50 years.

Prior to the inauguration, there was speculation that CLA wanted his inauguration to be modest and avoid attracting attention.

The wife of Sociologist Rosangela said the car was quite old, suspected that the car was damaged when it was used by her husband's predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro.

However, the presidential palace quickly clarified before the inauguration, Rolls-Royce was in a ready-to-use condition and ready for the ceremony, which was attended by tens of thousands of supporters.

"The workers at the presidential workshop liked the car," Jose Penteado Vignoli, one of the authors of the ceremonial vehicle history, told The Times newspaper, citing The National News January 2.

"They respect it. They heat it up every week and put it out in the sun," he explained.

Vignoli said President Lula may have had the idea of riding a different vehicle from the two previous inaugurations, so as not to get too much attention.

"They want to give the impression that they are part of the people, and the people don't use Rolls-Royce," he told the newspaper.

Behind that, the idea of using another vehicle is security reasons, having won Brazil's most mature presidential election in recent years.

Earlier, a man carrying a knife and explosives was arrested by police as he tried to enter a crowd to witness the inauguration.

Meanwhile, Bolsonaro fanatical supporters have protested and asked the army to prevent the return of Lula

However, in the end he kept waving from above his open classic car, as he passed the streets in Brasilia to be sworn in on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the president's daily official car is an anti-bullet version of the 2019 Ford Fusion Hybrid, Rolls-Royce Silver Wrain 1952 used for state special events.

Didapat pada tahun 1953, mobil tersebut memiliki saudara versi hard-top atau tertutup, dan sempat menimbulkan kontroversi mengenai biaya, meski itu pemberian dari teman-teman pemimpin Brasil saat itu Getulio Vargas senilai 7,540 pounds atau lebih dari 200 ribu dolar AS dalam bentuk uang hari ini.

However, Vargas did not frequently use the vehicle, with him committing suicide amid a political crisis in August 1954.

Had confusion over the ownership of the two cars as Vargas' personal property, although they were used for the inauguration of President Juscelino Kubitschek in 1956.

And, through a resolution in 1957, the family kept a hardtop version, while the state deviated from convertible cars.

Since then, cars have been used for inauguration, celebration of Independence Day and other state functions. The car can be seen on the streets around the Plan Palace off in Brasilia on the first Sunday of every month.