Article Kaleidoscope 2022 According To Netray Monitoring: Ferdy Sambo Case Becomes A Popular Issue In The Legal Category

JAKARTA - The case of Ferdy Sambo continues to be in the public spotlight. Many are curious about the ending of the story. The question that usually arises is related to the sentence that will be given by the judge. Did the judge sentence the defendant Ferdy Sambo to death for premeditated murder against Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat? Or was he only exposed to the article of ordinary murder?

Another question is of course also related to the sexual harassment experienced by Putri Candrawathi, Ferdy Sambo's wife. Many doubt the statement of the defendant Putri at trial that Yosua has harassed her. Do you dare an aide to enter a private room and harass his superior's wife?

Online mass media always provides the latest information regarding the development of the disclosure of the case. As the results of the Netray report on January 3, 2023, Ferdy Sambo's case became the most frequently reported legal case throughout 2022, in addition to the fraudulent investment case that ensnared celebgrams Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan.

The Ferdy Sambo case did give a hard slap to the image of the police in Indonesia. Not to mention, the spread of negative issues ranging from the gambling consortium to the hedonism of high-ranking police officers in line with the case disclosure process. Dozens of members of the National Police must undergo a code of ethics trial. Some of them were sanctioned, even dishonorably dismissed.

Netray found 221 kaleidoscope articles that saw flashbacks of legal issues and cases throughout 2022. Most of the kaleidoscope articles about the law had negative tendencies. Of the hundreds of articles from the mass media, 192 articles were monitored with a negative sentiment trend. Only 15 articles have positive sentiment, "wrote Netray.

Using the keyword kaleidoscope', in the period 1-30 December 2022, Netray also found 172 kaleidoscope articles in the entertainment category. Superminated in positive sentiment as many as 69 articles and only 36 articles with negative tendencies.

The intensity of issuing calidoscope articles for entertainment categories is observed to be quite random. Although most of them were published at the end of the month. On December 20, 2022, there was a spike in quantity to reach 18 articles. However, a few days later this intensity had subsided. Online mass media re-uploaded a massive article on December 28, 2022 and peaked on December 29, 2022," Netray wrote in its report.

News of celebrity couple marriages is the most highlighted flashback. At least, there are a number of celebrities who got married this year. Starting from Maudy Ayunda-Jesse Choi who married in May, Deddy Corbuzier-Sabrina Chairunnisa in June, and the wedding of the youngest son of the president, Kaesang Pangarep-Erina Gudono at the end of the year.

Meanwhile, in the government category, Netray found 114 articles and 38 articles in the political category during the monitoring period.

Ukraine's Russian war issue appears to be a fairly dominant discourse in this category. Although this issue does not occur in Indonesian territory, the impact of the war could affect globally. Another discourse that is quite massive in this category is when Indonesia hosted the G20 Summit in Bali," Netray said.

Likewise in the economic category (finance and insurance). Apart from the Russian war of Ukraine, the strengthening of the dollar exchange rate against a number of world currencies has shown to give a grim picture of the economy of a number of countries. Even so, Indonesia is considered to be quite able to survive so that many kaleidoscopes this year have a positive tone.

There are 112 articles, 62 of which are positive and 20 other articles contain negative sentiment. Most articles with positive sentiment can be found on December 26, 27, and 29, which also happens to be the peak of the intensity of the news.

The news of the kaleidoscope in the sports category is more varied. Raising the theme of the MotoGP motorcycle racing championship at the Mandalika Circuit, West Nusa Tenggara, the tragedy of the Kanjuruhan Stadium, to the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

The world of domestic sports was proud when Indonesia successfully held a MotoGP motorcycle racing championship at the Mandalika Circuit, NTB. The Support Category achieved at least 102 kaleidoscope articles because there were quite a lot of important events in the world of sports throughout 2022.

Netray reported, There are 43 articles that have positive sentiment stemming from events and achievements. The tragedy of the death of hundreds of supporters at the Kanjuruhan Stadium inevitably gave negative sentiment as many as 20 articles in monitoring the kaleidoscope of sporting events during that period.

Also, kaleidoscope about disasters. Netray found 53 kaleidoscope articles that reviewed the disasters that occurred throughout 2022. These include the Cianjur earthquake that occurred on November 21, 2022 and the floods that hit a number of areas, Jakarta, Semarang, Majalengka, and North Sumatra.

Negative sentiment is observed to be used more by the media to frame natural disasters in Indonesia this year. At least 29 articles and 10 articles with positive sentiment.

Overall, Netray found 1,033 articles with the keyword kaleidoscope published on 93 online mass media portals. News intensity was observed creeping up at the end of the month. The quantity jumped dramatically on December 26 and peaked on December 28.

"The trend of sentiment showing the article kaleidoscope in 2022 is quite balanced with the number of positive sentiments being slightly superior," Netray emphasized.