The Difference Between Ryzen And Intel, Which Processor Is Superior?

YOGYAKARTA - Laptop and computer users are certainly very familiar with the terms AMD Ryzen and Intel. Both are CPU or processor manufacturers that are dominating in the market. The differences between Ryzen and Intel are also important considerations when buying a laptop.

Processors are one of the specifications that are prioritized when buying a laptop or computer. The processor is a hardware or hardware that functions to receive and process data in a computer. Usually the processor selection will be adjusted to the needs of the user.

CPUs that are widely selected by laptop users are AMD Ryzen and Intel. But both have differences to their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Many laptop users are confused about determining whether to choose Ryzen or Intel. Each processor offers its own advantages to be able to seize the interest of computer lovers. In terms of popularity, Intel is famous first compared to AMD.

Intel's processor has a long history and a good reputation long before AMD shifted market dominance. In the past, AMD was just an alternative choice processor for those who wanted to assemble PCs with minimal budgets. In 2017, AMD became popular with the Ryzen Series Processor.

Here are the differences in Ryzen and Intel processors that you need to understand to choose computers:

At the start of the release, AMD presented a better clock speed than Intel's processor. But Intel continues to develop and offers almost the same clock speed. Both currently both use the 3-4 GHz clock speed for PCs of gaming type.

However, clock speed cannot be used as a main indicator in measuring processor performance from Ryzen and Intel. The average clock speed is only a number that can change if it is brought to an overclock when the performance of the two CPUs is run.

Ryzen is superior in terms of overclocking over Intel. Overclocking is a condition that makes processors able to work at high speed exceeding the maximum predetermined limit. All Ryzen processors can overclocking as long as they use the right motherboard.

While overclocking on Intel can only be done on the processor with the initials K behind it. When using a high-quality motherboard, overclocking on Intel makes it possible to exceed the quality presented by Ryzen. However, this specification has a high price.

Ryzen offers a larger number of cores than Intel. Cores on Ryzen are quite varied, namely 4/4 for Ryzen 3, 6/12 series for Ryzen 5, and 8.16 for Ryzen 7. The core counts according to the series and targets of using PCs.

Meanwhile, Intel used to use hyper threading, which is a processor with instructions simultaneously. The processor speed will increase if the thread count is getting higher. Currently, Intel offers a core that also varies, starting from Core i3 with 4 Cores, Core i5 with 6 Cores, and Core i7 with 8 Cores.

Ryzen and Intel are both the advantages of their respective performances. Ryzen offers a pretty good multitasking capability for relying on varying amounts of core. While Intel's performance advantages come from the use of single cores.

Ryzen is very good if used for gaming needs because it is supported by a large and diverse Core for multitasking capabilities. But Intel is also no less good at playing games, considering the quality of the VGA card is also very decisive.

In terms of compatibility, Ryzen is said to offer convenience in its use. This processor uses AM-type pocket that can be used on old and new motherboard types. So almost all types of motherboards will have a pocket type that matches Ryzen processors.

Meanwhile, Intel uses a motherboard with a LGA-type pocket that is quite reliable. However, the problem is that not all types of LGA can support Intel processors in their use. So apart from the motherboard, the processor pocket cannot be used.

That's information about the differences in Ryzen and Intel processors along with their strengths and weaknesses. If the question is which one is better, which one of them? Ryzen has more advantages at first glance, namely in terms of core number, compatibility, overclocking, and others.

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