The Contents Of The Bocor Spare Book, Prince Harry Claims To Have BEEN Attacked By Prince William

JAKARTA - Prince Harry mentioned that he had been in a fight with his brother, Prince William. The news emerged from leaked Spare's book quoted by the Guardian, Thursday, January 5.

In the leak, Prince William is said to have held his younger brother and decided to put Harry on the floor. Harry claims William called Meghan Markle "difficult", "disrespectful" and "rude".

"Everything happened very fast. He grabbed my collar, cut the necklace, slammed me to the floor. I fell on a dog bowl, which cracked under my back, the shard stabbed me," Harry wrote based on leaked books.

"I lay for a moment, dazed, stood up and told him to come out."

The incident reportedly took place in tiered Cottage in 2019 when Harry lived there and started when William arrived and complained about Meghan.

Harry wrote that his brother was irrational. They screamed, said criticism, before William claimed he only wanted to help his sister.

"Are you serious? My job? Sorry, this is what helps?" Harry wrote based on a copy of the Guardian.

His comments said sparked William's anger, then the fight came after he offered him a glass of water.

Harry added William told him to hit back, before leaving and then came back "looking full of regret and apologies".

When he left again, Harry said he was "turning around and saying: 'You don't have to tell Meg about this.'

According to Harry, he did not immediately talk to his wife, but the incident was told after Meghan realized there was a scar on her back.

Quoted from ANTARA, Harry claimed the incident was first told by his therapist. Harry's book Spare also investigates Harry's childhood, school, career as a member of the kingdom and relationships with his parents and older brother.

He reminisced about the memory of his mother, Princess Diana, who died in a car accident in 1997, and memories with Queen Elizabeth, who died last year. Spare will be published on January 10 after a documentary about her decision and Meghan to step down from royal duties aired on Netflix.