Rows Of Facts Of The Minister Of Israel's Visit To Al Aqsa Complex Jerusalem

YOGYAKARTA Several facts about the Israeli Minister's visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex in Jerusalem have received attention from the public.

As is known, Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir made a visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem. The visit itself was held on Tuesday, January 3. The visit came after Ben-Gvir discussed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday.

The facts that emerged during Ben-Gvir's visit to Al Aqsa also caused various reactions from various countries, including Indonesia. So what are the facts on the agenda?

Itamar Ben-Gvir's visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex was carried out when he recently served as Minister of National Security. Ben-Gvir himself served as Minister of Security starting December 2022. In the midst of his duties as minister, Ben-Gvir then immediately visited the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex. This certainly has an impact on various criticisms from the international public.

According to a Times of Israel report, Ben-Gvir's visit to the Al-Aqsa compound was only about 15 minutes at 07.00 local time. He also did not enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Sterilization was also carried out in the midst of Ben-Gvir's visit.

After Ben-Gvir's visit ended, other visitors just arrived at the complex. In addition, the situation is also considered under control even though it has drawn criticism from many parties.

Responding to Ben-Gvir's visit to Al-Aqsa, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh considered that the visit was an attempt to convert the large Al-Aqsa mosque, which had been the third holy site for Muslims to become a "widowl".

The holy attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli Minister Ben Gvir this morning was a serious challenge to the emotions of all Palestinians, and therefore we call on our people who thwarted the plot at the gate to confront the breach that intends to make the Al-Aqsa Mosque a Jewish temple. And, this is a violation of all norms, values, agreements, international law, and Israel's commitment to the American president," he criticized.

Ben-Gvir's visit to the Al-Aqsa compound was criticized by various countries, including Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The visit could be a provocation that could trigger tensions and new violence in Palestine.

"Indonesia calls on Israel to respect the shared status quo and avoid actions and provocations that injure holy places in Jerusalem," the Foreign Ministry wrote in an official statement, Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

Apart from Indonesia, there are many Islamic countries that condemn the visit. Even the United States criticized Ben-Gvir's action.

"The United States stands firm for the preservation of the historic status quo with respect to the holy places in Jerusalem. We oppose any unilateral action that weakens the historic status quo. They are unacceptable," said US State Department spokesman Ned Price, quoted by The Jerusalem Post January 4.

Those are some facts about the Israeli Minister's visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.