Having Strong Evidence, The KPK Is Optimistic That The Pretrial Lawsuit For Gazalba Saleh Will Reject

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that it already has strong evidence regarding the alleged bribery in handling the case at the Supreme Court (MA) which ensnared the inactive Supreme Court Judge Gazalba Saleh. They believe that Gazalba's pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court will be rejected.

"There was found sufficient evidence related to the alleged criminal act in the form of accepting bribes by the suspect GS (Gazalba Saleh) and friends," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement, Wednesday, January 4.

The determination of Gazalba as a suspect is the development of a hand arrest operation (OTT) that ensnared the suspect and the inactive Supreme Court Justice Sudrajat Dimyati. In the process, evidence was found.

"Among them are various letters including communication instructions," said Ali.

Moreover, the KPK has also properly submitted an investigation warrant (sprindik). Two letters were delivered, said Ali.

The first letter was sent to the address of Gazalba's house according to the ID card. The introduction was carried out on November 2.

Next, the anti-corruption commission delivered a letter to the Gazalba official residence on November 11. "It was received by someone who took part in the house," he said.

"Including direct delivery to the Supreme Court Building," continued Ali.

The KPK feels that there is no violation of the law regarding the determination of the status of a suspect to Gazalba. Therefore, Ali is optimistic that he will win the pretrial.

"We believe that the pretrial application is rejected by the judge," he said.

A total of 14 suspects were named by the KPK in the case of bribery case management at the Supreme Court. They are Judicial Judge, Edy Wibowo; Attorney General, Gazalba Saleh; Yustitial Judge, Prasetio Nugroho; and Gazalba staff, Redhy Novarisza.

The other ten are Supreme Court Justice Sudrajat Dimyati; Judicial Judge or substitute clerk, Elly Tri Pangestu (ETP); two state civil servants (ASN) at the Supreme Court, Desy Yustria (DY) and Muhajir Habibie (MH); and two ASN in the Supreme Court, Nurmanto Akmal (NA) and Albasri (AB).

Then, lawyers Yosep Parera (YP) and Eko Suparno (ES) as well as debtors of Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperatives Heryanto Tanaka (HT), and Debtor of Savings and Loans Cooperative Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto (IDKS).