2 Days Of Hanyut, Santri's Body In The Margoyoso River Was Found To Be Currency

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) team in Jepara Regency, Central Java, and a joint team managed to find the victim washed up in the Margoyoso River in a dead condition, Wednesday, January 4. When the victim's body was found, it was swollen.

According to Jepara BPBD Chief Executive Arwin Noor Isdiyanto, the victim named Sulton (14) who is a student at Pondok Al Falah, Kedungsari Village, Welahan District, was found at the Welahan Dam, Ketyleng Village on Wednesday at 00.00 WIB.

Furthermore, the victim was taken to the Welahan I Health Center for a post-mortem. Then it was handed over to his family for burial.

The chronology of the incident when the students were swept away, he said, began when around 20 students rested after playing football at Margoyoso Field, Kalinyamatan District, Jepara on Monday, January 2 at 15.30 WIB.

The victim then cleaned himself up in the river, which at that time was quite heavy.

"A number of friends of the victim had warned not to bathe in the river because it was not safe, but the victim continued to insist so that he was swept away by the river current," he said.

To avoid similar cases, he reminded children not to play or shower in the river during the rainy season because the current tends to be heavy.

Previously, the BPBD team after receiving reports came to the scene to search for victims by following the river flow. However, it has not produced results and was only found on Wednesday morning, January 4.