Lebak Dilanda Longsor And Land Movement, 40 Houses Damaged

JAKARTA - Landslides and ground movements in Lebak Regency, Banten, damaged dozens of houses. The disaster occurred as a result of heavy rains on Tuesday, January 3 in the morning until morning

"We ask the public to be aware of the high rainfall," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Agus Reza Faisal when contacted Wednesday, January 4. The houses affected by the landslide were recorded as 15 units spread across Muncang, Leuwidamar and Cimarga sub-districts. So far, landslides and ground movement have not caused casualties or injuries. "We have not been able to confirm material losses due to the impact of the natural disaster," Agus said.

According to him, landslides and ground movements also caused damage to the village axis road infrastructure and district roads. Among them, the village axis road in Leuwidamar Subdistrict collapsed 5 meters long and 2 meters wide dimensions and the district road connecting Rangkasbitung-Leuwidmar collapsed with dimensions of long avalanches of 40 meters wide and 5 meters wide and in Parahiang collapsed with a dimensions of 30 meters long and 5 meters wide. and the Muncang-Leuwidmar highway collapsed with a dimensions of 40 meters long, 5 meters wide and Jalan Rangkasbitung - Cimarga collapsed which resulted in traffic flow being diverted through Aweh Cikakek. "The bad weather that caused natural disasters is expected to last for the next week because the rainfall is quite high," he said. Meanwhile, a number of residents admitted that now the condition of their house was damaged by landslides that hit Tuesday, January 3, morning and almost collapsed. "We currently live with relatives in a safe place," said Sukatma (55), a resident of Muncang, Lebak Regency.