Uya Kuya And Kamarudin Simanjuntak Will Be Summoned To The South Jakarta Police

The South Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the alleged case of spreading fake news (hoaxes) which was accused to Surya Utama alias Artist Uya Kuya and Kamaruddin Simanjuntak's attorney.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Police, AKP Nurma Dwi, said that his party was still processing the report by summoning the reported party in the near future.

"Yes, of course. The summons of the reported party (Uya Kuya and Kamaruddin-ed)," said AKP Nurma to reporters, Monday, January 2.

However, Nurma admitted that she did not know the schedule for the summons from Uya Kuya and Kamaruddin. However, he confirmed that the two reported parties would be summoned by the South Jakarta Metro Police Investigator team.

"What is clear is scheduled. What is clear is that it must be called," he said.

Nurma continued, currently the South Jakarta Metro Police have only examined one witness, namely the reporter.

"Yes, the reporter has been investigated," he concluded.

Lawyer Kamaruddin Simanjuntak and artist Surya Uya Kuya were officially reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police. He was reported on suspicion of spreading fake news of hoax eyebrows.

The report is registered with the South Jakarta Metro Police with the number LP/5020/XII/2022/RJS dated December 22, 2022.