After PPD And Damri, The Minister Of SOEs Will Merger Many Red Pelat Companies: One Of Them Is Angkasa Pura

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said he would merge more or merge state-owned companies in the years ahead.

"In the years ahead there will be more mergers, yesterday PPD and Damri. Because if the industry is similar, what do you have two SOEs for," Erick said at the Initial Press Conference in 2023, Monday, January 2.

Erick said the merger was carried out so that state-owned companies that have the same line of business do not bring down each other.

"We just want to make sure that fellow SOEs areOURized and why do SOEs kill private sectors already exist and MSMEs exist. It's better if we become exosystems. So consolidation is there," he said.

On this occasion, Erick also mentioned the circulation of negative issues due to the impact of the merger of state-owned companies. One of them is about reducing employees.

"If there is a merger issue, there is a reduction in employees, that's not necessarily the case. Now we will continue to add employees," he said.

Erick also admitted that he could not confirm whether the merger of the airport management company or Angkasa Pura I and II could be carried out this year. Even so, Erick emphasized that Angkasa Pura is one of the things that will be merged.

"One of them (Angkasa Pura)," he said.