Receiving Change, This Wadas Resident Builds A Restaurant

JAKARTA - Land acquisition in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency is almost completely complete. Currently, there are only 8 plots left out of a total of 617 measured fields.
Most of the residents have received compensation money with a fantastic nominal value. The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, admitted that he was happy that the atmosphere of Wadas Village is now very conducive.
Some Wadas residents have openly invited him to have a dialogue, some even have submitted certificates after good communication was established.
"Among some of my friends (citizens) who used to argue today calmly, smoothly, conveyed what needs to be considered, including mitigation of the impact of the existing one," said Ganjar after a meeting with Wadas residents in Tandem Resto, which is located under the Kodil River Bridge in Wadas Village, Sunday, December 2.
At a meeting with the residents of Wadas, the Governor revealed that some of them put forward the conditions they immediately agreed to. He also emphasized that the Head of BBWS Serayu Opak, Dwi Purwantoro. Including the desire of farmer groups who feel disadvantaged because irrigation is closed from the road for project vehicle traffic. The steps taken by BBWS-SO parties who were ready to respond to the demands of the farmer group were appreciated by the Governor.
On the other hand, the Governor encourages socialization to residents regarding mining to continue. This step needs to be taken so that there is no longer a wrong understanding that makes people afraid.
"Residents can supervise. I also conveyed that before the mining was carried out, residents had also been trained, there had been assistance, both physical, training, and equipment. It has been done," he said.
Regarding the compensation money process, the Governor also ensured that the process would run well and in accordance with the agreement. Good communication between the residents of Wadas and his party is considered by the Governor to open a new chapter in handling the Wadas problem as expected.
"Alhamdulillah. I express my gratitude to the residents who have been willing to communicate openly, I am also touched. What used to be different and a bit fast, (now) 'Pak Ganjar mbok stopped by my house', God willing, I will go there, "he said.
The meeting at Tandem Resto was also present, including the Chairman of the Wadas Village Nature Care Community Movement (Gempadives), Insin Sutrisno. He submitted files from 34 fields to be measured. The availability of these residents received appreciation from the Head of BPN Purworejo, Andri Kristanto. Also explained, with the submission of the 34 files, it means that only 8 plots of land have not been completed.
"We will measure the 34 bindang on January 10-11," Andre confirmed.
Regarding the use of land acquisition compensation money, Wadas villagers use it for various reasons. Some are used to invest, buy new land, and some are used to start a business, such as Fahrurozi Asabi, the owner of Tandem Resto.
Part of the land compensation money, which has a total value of almost IDR 2 billion, he used to establish Tandem Resto.
"This was built eight months ago when I found out that the land wanted compensation," he said.