The Ministry Of Home Affairs Wanti-Wanti Revocation Of PPKM Should Not Be Used As An Euphoria In The Substitution Of The Year
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs issued Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 53 of 2022 concerning Prevention and Control of COVID-19 during the Transition Period Towards an Endemic. The issuance of this instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs is to follow up on President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s decision to officially revoke the status of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) throughout Indonesia.
The Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal, explained that in this Instruction the National and Regional COVID-19 Task Force continues to actively monitor and evaluate in response to the rapid spread of cases according to President Jokowi's direction. Safrizal reminded that the revocation of PPKM should not be used as an excessive euphoria ahead of New Year's Eve. According to him, people can carry out activities as usual but still take care of themselves to avoid new cases of COVID-19.
"With the revocation of this PPKM, we hope that it will not become euphoric. Keep normal activities as usual, and remain vigilant so that there will be no increase in cases which will later disrupt the transition process to endemic," said Safrizal through his statement, Saturday, December 31. to all levels of local government (Pemda), continued Safrizal, so that they remain active in promoting booster vaccination and alerting adequate health facilities. Then for people with symptoms of respiratory diseases such as cough, runny nose, and sneezing as well as those who make close and confirmed contact to be more careful and alert in the face of the risk of transmission.
"During this transition to endemic, emphasizing efforts with more proactive and persuasive strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Through awareness of the implementation of health protocols, especially the use of masks properly, especially in crowds and crowds, in closed buildings/rooms including public transportation, to the awareness of the importance of booster vaccination," said Safrizal. 19 in Indonesia has been sloping. This reflects on daily cases of COVID-19 on December 27, 2022, which only 1.7 cases per 1 million population.
"Through existing considerations, today the government has decided to revoke PPKM," said Jokowi at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday, December 30. Jokowi revealed that the weekly positivity rate was also at 3.3 percent. Then the bed occupancy rate 4.79 percent, and the death rate 2.39 percent. This figure, said Jokowi, is below the World Health Organization standard so that the government decided to stop PPKM.
"So there are no more restrictions on crowds and the movement of people," he said.