WIKA Exports 72 Electric Motor Units To Nepal

JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) through its subsidiary, PT WIKA Industri Manufacturing (WIMA), first exported 72 units of Gesits electric motorcycle in the form of a Completion Knock Down (CKD) to Nepal, South Asia.

In an official statement from WIKA, quoted on Friday, December 30, it was stated that the company released the electric motor from the WIMA factory in the WIKA Industrial Estate, Cileungsi-Bogor. The expansion of the export market network to Nepal was established thanks to the collaboration between WIMA and a car selling company from India.

President Director of PT WIKA Industri Manufacturing (WIMA) M Samyarto said, WIMA will continue to increase the export contribution of Gesits electric motorcycles to foreign countries through various efforts. The achievement of WIMA exports until 2022 proves that the nation's children have high competitiveness and is in demand by many motorcycle users in foreign markets.

"Until now, WIMA has sent hundreds of units of Gesits motorcycles to foreign countries, both Southeast Asia, Africa, and Australia," said Samyarto.

On the other hand, President Directorda Automobiles Pvt Ltd. Vijay Kumar Mahato revealed that the increase in fuel prices in Nepal was the reason his party chose Gesits. The momentum of increasing fuel prices triggered Gesits electric vehicles to be the choice of Nepalese people to save their daily expenses. Moreover, electric vehicles are known as efficient and efficient vehicles.

"After I searched for information, it turned out that Indonesia had produced Gesits as a quality electric vehicle," said Vijay.

WIMA itself believes that the electric vehicle market, especially motorcycles, will continue to grow next year along with the government's commitment to accelerate the transformation of conventional vehicles into electric vehicles.

According to Samyarto, Indonesia is targeting 2.1 million electric motors to pave in 2025. The government has even issued Presidential Decree No. 55/2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation and INPRES No. 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles as Operational Service Vehicles.

In line with that, Samyarto ensured that WIMA fully supports efforts to accelerate the transformation of electric vehicles, so it is hoped that it can increase public interest in using environmentally friendly vehicles.

Furthermore, WIMA will also add to the Gesits dealer network by cooperating with distributor partners to ensure that consumers throughout Indonesia get the best products and services. Including, developing several variants of new products next year.