The Impact Of Mobilized Land In East Jakarta Cilangkap River One Natural House Was Heavyly Damaged, The Landslide Page Of The Retak Wall

The East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. recorded damage to houses caused by landslides or landslides that occurred in Cilangkap River, Cilangkap Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta.

Based on the officer's inspection, there was one resident's house that was found to be heavily damaged. The victim's house was found to belong to Yusnizar, who was inhabited by 4 people.

"The house suffered damage to the walls and kitchen floors cracked, the side yard of the landslide house and the position of the building on the back was hanging," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Gatot Sulaeman, Thursday, December 29.

The sheet pile avalanche was 7 meters long and 5 meters high. The landslide incident began on Thursday morning at around 02.00 WIB.

"We educate the owner of the house to stay away from the point where the landslide occurred. There were no casualties," he said.

From the results of the identification of officers at the location, the cause of landslides was due to heavy currents that eroded the soil on the banks of the river.

"The position of the pile of the river that collapsed was exactly stopped so that it could not withstand the swift flow of water," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said that it had not received reports of landslides at 10 vulnerable points in Jakarta.

"So far there has been no information on landslides in Jakarta, it is still monitored safe," said Head of the DKI Jakarta BPBD Disaster Data and Information Processing Unit, Michael Sitanggang when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 6.

Michael said that currently the rainfall condition is still relatively normal, not yet to the extreme rain stage.

"This means that there is rain but the intensity is not too heavy and the duration is short. Until now (the movement of landslides or landslides in Jakarta) is still nil," he said.