Knowing The Impact Of Brain Bleeding, Indra Bekti Must UnderGO Operations

YOGYAKARTA This morning Indra Bekti fainted and was rushed to the hospital. Based on information from Roy, Indra Bekti's manager, suffered a brain hemorrhage. Roy added, initially Indra said goodbye to the toilet and was found to be unconscious.

In the last weeks before falling ill, Indra often complained of feeling dizzy. But because the work schedule is busy, he has not had time to see a doctor.

What is the impact of a brain hemorrhage according to medical information?

Until now, Wednesday, December 28, there has been no complete information regarding Indra Bekti's condition apart from the suspicion of experiencing a brain hemorrhage and undergoing surgery. Brain hemorrhage, reported by the Cleveland Clinic, occurs between brain and skull tissue or in the brain tissue itself. The impact of a brain hemorrhage can cause brain damage to potentially life-threatening.

Brain hemorrhage is recognized by a number of symptoms. Among other things, experiencing headaches, nausea and vomiting, suddenly sneering, weak body, numbness or facial paralysis, arms or legs. Surgeons and neuroscientists say brain bleeding is also known as medical, called intracritical hemorrhage. The diagnosis of a brain hemorrhage, determined by a doctor based on the location where the bleeding occurs.

The brain cannot store oxygen. That is, the brain relies on a series of blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients. When a brain hemorrhage occurs, oxygen may not be able to reach brain tissue due to leaky or ruptured vessels. If blood collection due to ruptured blood vessels occurs in the intracranal, the brain also gets a lot of pressure and oxygen is lost. In addition, reduced oxygen can affect brain cells. Neural cells that control related functions can also be damaged.

Brain hemorrhage usually occurs suddenly. As a result of brain hemorrhage, it relies on the cause, location, size of bleeding, how long it lasts, the treatment obtained, and overall health conditions. The most worrying result is when brain cells die, they are not degenerate. So damage due to brain bleeding can result in physical, mental defects, and other body functions.

In America, brain hemorrhage accounts for about 13 percent of stroke cases. This means that brain hemorrhage is the second cause of stroke. Brain hemorrhage requires emergency medical treatment. This needs to be done so as not to have a worse impact on the health of the sufferer. In making a diagnosis, the doctor will perform a series of tests. Tests performed include physical symptoms evaluation. CT scan, MRI or MRA to determine the location of the brain bleeding, its extent, and sometimes to find the cause of bleeding.