Minister Of Industry Agus Gumiwang: Although There Are Many Considerations, The Government Must Implement ODOL Policy

The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has also responded to the discourse on the policy to ban over-dimensional trucks from overloading (ODOL) in 2023.

Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the ODOL ban policy plan was still being discussed by ministries/agencies.

"Regarding this ODOL in talks. This is indeed a quite complicated thing," Agus said at the Ministry of Industry Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 27.

He said the government was still considering many things carefully when formulating a policy to prohibit ODOL.

"On the one hand, the economy is under pressure, the market is depressed, but on the other hand (there are factors) safety and also the capacity of the roads in Indonesia. Well, we are still negotiating this," said Agus.

Nevertheless, he continued, the government would definitely implement the policy. Because, it is one of the important things.

"But basically the government will definitely implement ODOL. If there are talks to relax, there is, but (the government) will definitely implement ODOL," concluded Agus.

As is known, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation ensures that there is no delay in the ban on over-charge trucks or over-dimension overload (ODOL) 2023. The implementation of the Zero ODOL 2023 policy will no longer be delayed.

The zero ODOL policy was originally launched in 2018, but continues to be delayed until it is targeted to take effect from next year.