Prohibition Of Jokowi On Cigarettes: Additional Writing Of Health Commemoration To Regarding Non-Smoking Areas

YOGYAKARTA A series of Jokowi's bans on smoking have drawn the spotlight of the public. The new rules regarding tobacco products are regulated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 25 of 2022 concerning the Government Program Preparation Program Program in 2023.
The Presidential Decree was signed by President Jokowi on December 23, 2022. The Presidential Decree also attached the Draft Government Regulation on Amendments to Government Regulation Number 109 of 2012 concerning Safeguarding Materials Containing Addictive Substances in the form of Tobacco Products for Health.
In the Presidential Decree, there are several prohibitions related to cigarettes, both conventional and electric cigarettes. One that has drawn the spotlight is the prohibition on the sale of Central Java cigarettes. Not only that, the government will also monitor advertisements, promotions, and sponsorship related to tobacco products in various media. The following are some of Jokowi's prohibitions regarding cigarettes that will soon be set.
Although the Presidential Decree regarding tobacco products has received the spotlight from various parties, the reason for the prohibition of smoking itself has not been disclosed by the Government. However, this rule was initiated by the Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of Health assesses that the rules contained in PP 109 of 2012 are no longer relevant to the times considering the massive advertisements, promotions, and sponsors of cigarettes in various media. In addition, the existence of new forms of cigarettes has not been regulated in PP 109 of 2012.
Deputy Minister of Health dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono explained that the prevalence of high-ranking novice smokers in the country is considered to have an impact on the younger generation who are not superior. Therefore, there must be protection for the younger generation.
"There needs to be improvements in the protection of the younger generation and children from the dangers of smoking," he said in a press release at a follow-up meeting on the 2012 PP 109 amendment public trial.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance has also emphasized that there will be an increase in cigarette excise which will cause cigarette prices to increase and become unaffordable for the public. Thus cigarette consumption is expected to decrease.
"We are increasing cigarette excise tax which causes cigarette prices to increase, so that affordability or affordability to cigarettes will also decrease. Thus, it is hoped that consumption will decrease," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani when announcing the increase in tobacco excise (CHT).
The validity period of the regulation regarding Jokowi's prohibition on cigarettes will certainly take effect as of 2023. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.