The Chronology Of The KPK Prosecutor's House Was Broken Into By The Thief

YOGYAKARTA - The fate of the long-standing loan is befalling the KPK prosecutor with the initials FAN. The reason is, at his residence in the Wirobrajan number, Yogyakarta kemlingan on Saturday, December 24, 2022, around 15.00 WIB was burglarized. The material loss was in the form of a backpack containing a laptop and his missing files were taken by the pass. Then, what is the chronology of the house of the KPK prosecutor being burglarized?

Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri when asked for confirmation indicated that the house that was burglarized belonged to the KPK prosecutor with the initials FAN.

"The news we got was true (the house of the KPK prosecutor was attacked by thieves). We certainly want the perpetrators to be immediately arrested," Ali Fikri told reporters when contacted via text message, Monday (12/26/2022).

Head of Public Relations of the Yogyakarta Police, AKP Timbul Sasana Raharjo, explained that the chronology began on Saturday (24/12), at 14:40 WIB. At that time, the victim's wife's friend wanted to deliver a package to FAN's house in the Arjuno Street area, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta City.

Arriving at FAN's house, FAN's wife's acquaintance found the door to the house was open. He then called the owner of the house.

"The door in the house was open, after being called, no one came out, then called the victim's wife. Next, the victim's wife called the witness to check her house," said Timbul in a written statement.

Asked whether any CCTV footage was checked, he did not know for sure. However, he confirmed, if there was CCTV around the victim's house, the inspection would have been carried out. "Even if there was (CCTV), it would have been (checked)," he said.

The testimony of the Head of the RT

The head of the local RT said the perpetrator was a special thief because his environment was classified as safe and never had any activities during the day.

The head of RT 19 RW 04, Wirobrajan Village, Saptadi explained that the area around the area where the victim lived was equipped with CCTV around the victim's house. Moreover, the theft occurred during the day. He said the thief in the victim's house was a special thief.

"Here it is relatively safe. People will think twice. So the term is a special thief," said Saptadi when met by reporters at his home, Monday (12/26/2022).

"Again, you know, there was an incident during the day. At 2 in the morning, during the nap," he added.

Saptadi said that after the incident, the police who came carried out a search at the victim's house also secured CCTV.

"It has been handed over to the police, escorting the police officer who has CCTV, I accompanied the kulonuwun. It was observed that someone (who) was downloaded. The police asked for two or three," he said.

Saptadi described that there were some CCTV cameras installed around the victim's house. "It's beside the side of the house there is a front," he added.

So after learning the chronology of the house of the prosecutor when he was robbed, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!