Happy Mother's Day: Mother's Struggle Kaleidoscope For Children

JAKARTA Love mothers to beta, infinity of all time. Just giving no hope of returning, like the sun is shining on the world Determination of the lyrics of the song Cinta Ibu, which was written by Mochtar Embut around the 1960s, cannot be shed on age. Wending the meaning of mothers who are always willing to sacrifice, giving love for the happiness of their children. Here is the struggle of mothers for the sake of their children, to coincide with Mother's Day on December 22.

The struggle of a mother is clearly illustrated through the figure of Santi Warastuti. Since finding out that his son has cerebral palsy, he has continued to struggle to make various efforts to heal Pika Sasikrana.

Various methods of treatment have been carried out. Currently, Pika is still regularly taking medical drugs for seizures, routine acupuncture, and routinely taking supplements. However, for seven years, the results were still far from expectations.

"Not to mention the side effects of using drugs that Pika sometimes has to feel," Santi told VOI on July 20.

As a mother who also has employees, Santi does not hesitate to take the time to gather in-depth information about cerebral palsy, gathering with people who have experienced a similar fate with her.

Palsy cerebral is a nervous disorder caused by abnormal damage or development. This occurs in the brain that regulates movement, posture, and balance.

Until finally, he knew that the panacea for Pika's illness was marijuana oil. But unfortunately, marijuana is still classified as 'haram' in Indonesia, although for medical purposes.

The mother from Sleman, Yogyakarta, along with a number of other colleagues, then submitted a request for a judicial review to the Constitutional Court in November 2020. Asked the Constitutional Court to withdraw the explanation of Article 6 paragraph (1) letter a and Article 8 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics which prohibits the use of class I narcotics for health services.

Never getting a verdict, on June 26, 2022, Santi carried out a demonstrative action in the free day car area. She and her husband pushed Pika who could only sit on the strule on foot from the Hotel Indonesia roundabout to the office of the Constitutional Court on Jalan Merdeka Barat, Gambir, Central Jakarta while carrying a poster that reads "Please, my daughter needs Medical Cannabis

Santi doesn't care about people's responses. He realized that marijuana was illegal and had a negative stigma in Indonesian society.

"However, if they knew what I felt, they might understand. If you want to insult me, use my shoes and feel my way," he said.

Shortly after the action, the Constitutional Court issued a decision to reject the application for judicial review. The Constitutional Court asked the government to first conduct research on class I narcotics with the practical interests of health services.

Even though she was disappointed with the decision, Santi was still grateful, at least there was certainty given, so she could draw up new steps, to treat her daughter's illness.

"Today the Constitutional Court has given us certainty... But we are not people who give up easily...ep on fire girls. Mother's children who are pious and patient... wrote Santi on her Instagram account on 20 July.

The story of a mother's struggle is also illustrated in the figure of Rosti Simanjuntak. Since knowing her second child, Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) died tragically at the house of her superior, Ferdy Sambo on July 8, 2022, Rosti's life has changed drastically. His days looked gloomy, his eyes always looked in tears. The husband even asked his brothers and sisters to ask Rosti to talk, so as not to get too late in sadness.

What made him even more sad was when he heard statements from the police who came to Jambi carrying his son's body. Already killed, Brigadier J was also accused of sexually harassing Putri Candrawathi, who is Ferdy Sambo's wife.

Very strange according to Rosti. Armed with support from the Batak family, he and his family decided to take legal action to seek justice for his son and at the same time answer all suspicions.

"God help us, Mr. President help us. Show us the truth," said Rosti, crying during the exhumation process on 27 July.

As a mother, Rosti's heart was broken when she saw her child returning to Jambi in a lifeless condition. The cause of death was covered.

"My son's cry will not be forgotten for a woman who has struggled to raise her, a proud child for us," said Rosti during the murder trial of Brigadier J at the South Jakarta District Court on November 1.

God is everything. What is sprinkled in the world, that is what will accompany you later. Life is not eternal and eternal. Any power, any rank will not be able to match God's power. If God wants, the truth will be revealed. So, please be aware of what God created.

Rosti advised Putri, as a mother, to give exemplary examples, good role models for children.

"Please restore his name (Yosua). Recover our family from the slander of lies. My son, my mother, has been killed. Your wishes have been achieved, are you satisfied with what you did to my son?" said Rosti while crying.

Be aware, ma'am. Too cruel a mother sees, knows, hears. It's impossible for you not to know. You have eyes made by God. Mother given God your conscience, but your conscience is in vain, dead. Get aware immediately, repent, and speak honestly in this case so that my child's spirit is calm," Rosti added.

The struggle as a mother was also shown by Roro (35), the parents of a student at SDN Pondok Cina 1. Roro and other mothers continue to struggle so that the Depok City Government will refrain from relocating the Pondok Cina Elementary School to become a Grand Mosque.

If you really want to relocate, at least, the City Government will first provide a replacement place so that students do not ride with other schools.

"My son really doesn't want to change schools because at the location of his new school, he has to go to the afternoon because of class limitations. Other children also have the same recognition," Roro told VOI some time ago.

If, for one month Roro and his parents and the volunteers took turns guarding the school for a full of 24 hours. Until finally, their struggle came to light. On December 14, the Mayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris, postponed the relocation.

"The construction of the mosque at the location of SDN Pondok Cina 1 has been temporarily postponed until all students at SDN Pondok Cina 1 can be relocated to one school, namely SDN Pondok Cina 5," said Idris.

For students who are still studying at the location of SDN Pondok Cina, it is still facilitated to learn and learn until the construction of a new classroom at SDN Pondok Cina 5. Meanwhile, for students who have moved, they are allowed to choose to stay at SDN Pondok Cina 3 and SDN Pondok Cina 5 or return to SDN Pondok Cina 1.

Happy Mother's Day 22 December 2022. Thank you to those who always set an example.