Popular Because Of Game Of Thrones, Kit Harington Feels The Hazard Of Social Media

JAKARTA - Three years have passed since the last season of the Game of Thrones series. Kit Harington, actor Jon Snow, is still feeling popular thanks to the HBO production series.

Nine years playing Jon Snow, Kit Harington has experienced extraordinary popularity both in the real world and social media. But not everything went positively, he also felt social media destroyed his confidence.

Kit Harington told the story, when he played Jon Snow in the early 20s, he really enjoyed playing social media. But Harington was surprised to see news or comments about himself that often had negative tones.

"I look at the internet and look at the reviews and comments columns, it's like a box of apocalypse," said Kit Harington in the official Game of Thrones broadcast.

Dan itu mengganggu saya. Benar-benar merusahkan saya, merusakkan kepercayaan diri saya untuk waktu yang lama. Dan saya belajar untuk tidak melihat hal seperti itu, katanya lagi.

Because of that, Kit Harington chose not to play on social media. He is worried that this will be more mentally damaging in the future.

This extends my desire to make social media. I feel, I don't know what can be given. I think maybe some people think there are a lot of brilliant things on social media," he continued.

"But I think for an actor with a series of this size, this is the most dangerous thing. So I chose not to play on social media. I had to step down from something like that," said Kit Harington.

Due to the success of Game of Thrones, the 35-year-old actor admitted that he felt he could choose more projects that were different from this series.

One project that can make your name big let alone you are popular in your 20s. When everything is done, you think 'What kind of choice do you want to choose?' said Kit Harington.

Kit Harington also starred in a number of projects with varied genres such as Eternals, Baby Ruby, and Modern Love.