The Day After Brigadier J His Death, Ferdy Sambo Asked Policewomen To Check Putri Candrawathi

JAKARTA - The former Head of Propam Division, Ferdy Sambo, was said to have asked the female police officer (polwan) to examine Putri Candrawati the day after the shooting incident of Brigadier J or July 9.

Ferdy Sambo's request was conveyed by the former Deputy Head of Paminal Bureau Divpropam Polri Arif Rachman Arifin who was presented as a witness in the obstruction of justice case for the defendants Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpatra at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, December 22.

Initially, Arif explained that he had accompanied Ferdy Sambo and Hendra Kurniawan to monitor the TKP processing process from the South Jakarta Metro Police at the Police Complex official residence, Duren Tiga.

At that time, he heard that Ferdy Sambo ordered Hendra Kurniawan to summon a policewoman who came to the scene of the crime scene

"After that, Pak Ferdy like ordered Pak Hendra to look for my member policewomen. Coincidentally, my members were policewomen at the office, officers, then I contacted the member to come to the scene," said Arif.

"What Sambo ordered was the witness or the defendant Hendra?" asked the prosecutor.

"If I hear Mr. FS's orders to Mr. Hendra, I can't hear them. It's just like standing chatting. Then Mr. Hendra came to see me 'Rif tries to contact members'," said Arif.

So, Arif immediately contacted the policewoman named Iptu Nunu at around 15.00 WIB.

"People were still doing prerecones at that time?" said the prosecutor.

"Still, just pre-recon," said Arif.

"Who did the witness call?" asked the prosecutor.

"Iptu Nunu," said Arif.

"Policewomen are witness members at the office?" said the prosecutor.

"Yes," said Arif.

However, a few minutes later Ferdy Sambo seemed annoyed. Because the policewoman never came.

Moreover, at that time Putri Candrawathi was said to have been ready for questioning because her condition was starting to improve.

"I called, he said he was ready to leave. 5 minutes 10 minutes later Mr. FS asked 'where are the members?' Then I said 'how did I leave'. 'try to check again'. I checked It turned out to be still on the road," said Arif imitating Ferdy Sambo's statement.

"Not long after, I was asked 'how long has it taken you?' I called again, I said 'if you can just take a motorcycle taxi'. Then Pak FS said 'how long has this been going on. This is while the mother is up, Mother Putri," he continued.

However, when the policewoman arrived, the examination was not carried out. This is because Ferdy Sambo did not give permission on the grounds that Putri Candrawati was resting.

For information, in the obstruction of justice case, Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpatra were charged with violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 subsidiary Article 48 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 32 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law Number 19 of 2016 and/or the second indictment of Article 233 of the Criminal Code subsidiary Article 221 paragraph (1) to 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.